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Do you Yelp?

Total Votes: 94
1 Comment

  • Alan - 11 years ago

    I use Yelp all the time. It is a very useful way to give the consumer a voice with respect to things like customer service, quality, etc. I think that all Yelpers need to take the good and bad into must write good as well as bad reviews as required. However, there is one negative to reading Yelp reviews, especially with respect to restaurants; especially where I live on the Mainland. Many Yelpers do not know what good food is......I am sorry to say that my locale does not have many sophisticated and knowledgeable Yelpers. For instance, most Yelpers here would not know good sushi if it was placed in front of them....all they know is the stupid "rolls" that the haoles eat. And these same people think that Panda Express is great Chinese food!

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