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India's Mars Mission costs Rs. 450 crore. Do you think it's worth the amount?


  • varinder gupta - 11 years ago

    The cost of Rs. 450 crore for India for this project is a meagre amount. There is no point of worry if we make such investments in our space research. It is definitely an investment on the part of the country, the benefits of which will accrue to us and our future progeny in an enormous dimensions. Let us encourage more such investments in a big way. Let us expend now to earn more in future.

    Varinder Gupta

  • Anil Sharma - 11 years ago

    Rs450crores!Peanuts compared to Rs1100cr empire by this charltan called Assaram.West is slyly pointing out at India's malnutrition problem,ignoring that these advances in rocketry will ring our cash registers.Thank you,the south of India!!

  • gursimran - 11 years ago

    Thumbs up! to ISRO for pulling this off.....I wish them luck for the countdown in september 2014.
    It shows not only how capable is ISRO on an international level but also has gained much needed interest of the youth of the country.

  • Tally - 11 years ago

    Rs 450/ Cr is a tiny amount for technological mission. An airliner like Dreamliner cost close to Rs 450 cr. Successful launch of the mission will increase youth interest in research & knowledge and in times to come pay back to the country rich dividends.

  • Shana J - 11 years ago

    Its a very big success to INDIA in such a budget.I am happy to see the usefulness of our money in such a scientific work. And i also thanked to our scientists with whom guidelines our India achieved this success in only a handfull of crore's. Its a knowledgeable act to our leaders.

  • Umang Pandya - 11 years ago

    I think that is the amount that I heard total people of Gujarat spent on crackers in Diwali... Of course its 1000 times worth than it!!!

  • Mukesh - 11 years ago

    @Awais i could not understand you .
    I am also agree with you that "It is a sign of capability to the rest of the world that what India can do."
    Then what do you want to know from me ?

  • Awais - 11 years ago

    @Mukesh can you explain why is the need to Sardar Patel's statue? The American company is not building it for Free for Mr. Modi I suppose. It is a sign of capability to the rest of the world that what India can do.

  • Mukesh - 11 years ago

    I am asking them who voted yes for this what is reason that it is worth of amount ?

  • Mukesh - 11 years ago

    Really India deserve this , this is not worth of money , after this we can say to every Chinese , every American , Every Japanese that we are from India & we can do everything . We are ahead on every track .

  • Himanshu - 11 years ago

    Spend the money on roads, electricity, schools, hospitals, colleges etc........ make India a superpower---- then go to Mars or even Pluto!!!!

  • pankaj - 11 years ago

    i think its very important to know our universe. it will develop humanity more than these cricket matches that are played almost daily and we waste tons of money and time on it.

  • Daljeet Singh - 11 years ago

    Rs. 450 Crores is too small against the amount embezzled by our leaders in Scams like 2G , CWG & Coalgate

  • rohit - 11 years ago

    its bttr to hv dese instead of statue of unity..
    taxpayers feel good

  • Basit Wani - 11 years ago

    I think it is great opportunity to india to do something in the space and to find life on planet Mars.

  • Nick - 11 years ago

    Well, knowledge and eagerness has no boundaries. In fact we should keep our national budget organized and wisely distributed. At that way it'll be easy to fund such an expensive yet ambitious space mission while still taking care of poverty and other issues.

  • Kanchan Chakraborty - 11 years ago

    I think it's better to have a Mars Mission with a costs Rs. 450 cores that at last can do something good for the country then the mysterious way our country leaders vanishing our money. At last we can know where our money is going.
    I am in a full support of this act.

  • atulya sahay - 11 years ago

    ye kabhi kam hae..hamme isse jyada karna chahiye...we should sprlend the amount being invested to make statue into scientific work...

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