Should James Andre resign his position as a school board trustee?


  • Chris - 11 years ago

    Someone who thinks those kind of jokes are funny, pre-, during, or post-office, has no business representing anyone or anything in "multicultural" Canada. Time for the boot.

  • Terry T - 11 years ago

    Doesn't matter when. The actions are those of an idiot. Who wants an idiot representing a significant portion of the public?

  • Ron B - 11 years ago

    There's no doubt his tweets were distasteful, and as he admits, were issued carelessly. However, he was not, at the time, an elected official and should not be held accountable as such. Had he posted these to twitter AFTER being elected, then by all means he should resign, as the tweets were definitely offensive - but poor judgement in his past is not indicative of poor judgement in the fulfilling of his duties in office. None of us are perfect - and although public officials should be held to higher standards, why not wait and see how he handles himself now that he is one?

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