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Should police be allowed to enter private homes to see whether guns are properly secured?

Total Votes: 260

  • ELEANOR ROSS - 11 years ago

    First it was to try to make the country healthier that they were controlling soft drinks and Transfats and I and many others thought that was a good move. What we didn't stop to think about was that those were the first steps into controlling our entire life!
    Now they want to investigate whether or not you might have gums or that they might not be stored properly. PUUULEEES, what next do they want in check what goes down my toilet before I flush!!
    This is like the Government ease dropping on all our phone calls, total invasion of privacy and the Rights given to us not only by the constitution but by all our military people who fought war after was to keep our rights. And HERE I SALUTE ALL VETERANS AND THOSE CURRENTLY SERVING THIS ONCE GREAT COUNTRY !!

  • dave mckenna - 11 years ago

    No Joke Stephen. There is a Selectman is Swampscott who wants Mass'tts to enact a law that would allow, and maybe even require the Police inspect the weapons in your home.
    This is an assault on the 4th Amendment against illegal search and seizure, as much as it is an assault on the Second Amendment.
    The spread on this poll is better than I could have hoped for in this liberal State.

  • Stephen Alster - 11 years ago

    This is a joke right? It goes against everything this country fought for, and believes in. Why not then let police enter at will to check for illegal drugs? Enter to check on a childs welfare? Go through your records to verify income tax payments were made? Why not stop anyone on the street to check and make sure they don't have a firearm, or if they do have a permit to carry check to make sure its properly holstered and concealed? Might as well search peoples cars at will to check that their firearm is being properly transported. They might as well be able to stop anyone leaving a liquor store to verify their alcohol purchase is still unopened and being transported properly.

  • Dave McKenna - 11 years ago

    Didn't Herr Selectman take an oath to uphold the Constitution? I Know I did when I was a Selectman.

    Funny that he wants the Police to be able to enter your home at will to inspect your Arms, in the very Commonwealth where the War for Independency began when the Governor sent troops to confiscate Citizens' arms.

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