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Should Daryl Katz clean house in Oilers management?

Total Votes: 2,398
1 Comment

  • Tom McPherson - 11 years ago

    This is the culture in Alberta. The political party in power heaps abuse after abuse at the voter and they ask for more and it carries thru to the hockey fan who rx's some promises of it being better in the future. The hockey management are a bunch of fat cat well paid members of the old boys club same as the present political party in power who dole out all the plums to there friends and relatives. As long as there is oil and with the hockey paying fans nothing will change. It is a sad state of affairs and I am not seeing any indication it will change soon. One thing there are hockey fans being hurt but near as many as voters getting shafted. The similarity between hockey fan and voter is the voter is waiting for another Peter Lougheed and the hockey fan another Wayne Gretzsky.

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