Do you dump your black tank with gloves on?


  • MrOak - 11 years ago

    I always wear gloves when connecting or disconnecting the sewer, water or electric. I also wear gloves when disconnecting or connecting the car being towed. I do not wear those crappy disposable gloves which are a pain to put on and take off and rip easily. I have long heavy duty rubber gloves that slip on and off easily. They are lined with cloth on the inside so they feel better on. I have two pairs and leave them in the service bays. I use a different pair for the sewer than to disconnect/connect the car. These gloves wear like iron and are completely waterproof. I bought them at either Home Depot or Lowes.

  • JJ (RVing Toadless) - 11 years ago

    If I'm on extended stay and don't need to touch the hose for any reason, no gloves. But if I'm packing up, GLOVES!

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