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  • Priya - 10 years ago

    They're way too different to compare, but I do like Harry Potter better - while I loved TFiOS, you can't top JK Rowling's complex characters who are so three-dimensional it's cruel to call them characters, villains you love to hate (Bellatrix and Umbridge), and plot twists so bizarre you wouldn't have thought of them if you pondered it for hours, but when it's revealed, it fits perfectly.

  • Jordyn - 10 years ago

    How do you choose between HARRY FREAKING POTTER and THE FAULT IN OUR STARS?
    I mean... I just... uhh.... I think...
    I have to go Harry Potter. Just because it's a series, and has made such a difference in so many people's lives. (Plus, tbh, I liked Looking for Alaska more than tfios)
    No offence to John, but, you know, he's not J.K. Rowling.

  • Shirin - 10 years ago

    Guys. Even John Green himself voted for Harry Potter. TFiOS is great, but HARRY POTTER.

  • okay - 10 years ago


  • Carrington - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter

  • Sticky - 11 years ago

    It's kind of saddening to see all these people dissing TFiOS even when they've never read it just because to them Harry Potter is the most superior thing ever created. I love Harry Potter with a passion, that was my childhood, but to me, the way John Green writes alone was enough to win my vote. TFiOS isn't a run of the mill teenage romance book with a little cancer mixed in for drama, it's relatable and real and maybe that's just from my teenage perspective, but even though Harry Potter changed my childhood, TFiOS, and all of John Green's other books, pretty much changed my life

  • Mariana. - 11 years ago

    Who's the winner? omfg i'm so nervous :s

  • Rebecca - 11 years ago

    I think it is unfair to put the entire Harry Potter series against the Fault in Our Stars because it is an entire series made up of 7 books but TFiOS is only 1 book so by default Harry Potter will win because there is so much more to it than 1 story its a million stories and even TFiOS has many stories but its just not fair to compare 1 book to 7 and act like the 7 are really only 1 however no matter how it turns out TFiOS will always be the best book ever Harry Potter can be the best series ever because if you put TFiOS against any 1 book in the HP series TFiOS would win

  • BeckahM - 11 years ago

    I voted HP...I have never read the other book, but looked up information and asked my sister about it...who has read it. I feel that HP is so much more...It's a journey. I remember reading these in 3rd and 4th grade...and throwing a fit when my mom wouldn't buy me the 4th book because it came out in hardback, and I owned the first three in paperback. I have reread HP 6 or 7 times...and even now I read it to the baby that is growing inside of me...converting it to a future Harry Potter fan. These books spell out such a beautiful story.

  • Kaylyn - 11 years ago

    i have never read Harry Potter because I was one of the kids who wasn't allowed to, maybe if I had read it as a child my choice would be different. I'm not planning on trying to read it now though, as an 18 year old college student. It's a child's story, there's nothing in there that's going to cause me to sit back and ponder life. TFioS on the other hand did just that, just like all of John Green's books do. He says things so eloquently that J.K. Rowling couldn't even compete with. She's a great story teller, obviously, but they're just stories. Green writes masterpieces. I believe that some don't like it because of the metaphors and how much you need to think about what he's saying, because they're used to reading children's stories like Harry Potter which is an easy read. Because it was meant for children until J,K. Rowling realized that her original fans were growing older. She had to begin writing for older kids.

    I just believe that you can't put the two against each other. They're two very different species. TFIOS will always win for me though.

  • Juanita - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter. TFIOS was good but Harry Potter is a classic a lot of people grew up on. Harry Potter has more books and has spread worldwide. TFIOS is a good book but I find only certain people really like it.

  • Caterina - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter will always rule. I'm not saying that TFiOS isn't a good book, it really is by the way, but I don't have to explain much more about my choice. Knowing that my dad read HP saga too is enough, isn't it?

  • RJD - 11 years ago

    TFIOS, which sounds like it was written by a college sophomore, aspired to have answers to some the big questions in life, but ultimately was nihilistic and self-indulgent. I predict that twenty years from now, after John Green has actually had some meaningful life experience, he'll look back at this novel and be embarrassed by the immaturity of much of what he wrote. It's popular not because Green had anything profound to say - he didn't - but because it was a story of star-crossed lovers that was perfect for teenage girls. On the other hand, whether or not the HP series is to your taste, it has been a literary tour de force that sold over 700 million copies worldwide adn has been credited by some commentators with making reading books popular again. This really should be no contest.

  • 1vs7 totally fair - 11 years ago

    Maybe it's my age-I was raising my niece when Harry Potter came out and read a couple hundred books every year til I finished med school-but I thought Harry Potter just grabbed old stories and swapped names out. I've read a dozen series like it that she essentially copied over in different orders and it bored me. Even my niece fell asleep during the movies whereas you couldn't get her to put down Tolkien if you offered ice cream and a trip to the arcade. TFioS is a true YA book and clearly the characters are original to fiction and reflect patients I have worked with extremely well. I see cancerous patients nearly every day despite oncology not being my expertise, and it hit me because I could envision it. Harry Potter is, to almost all, Daniel Radcliffe. Who imagines anything else, and how can ANY one of those-the first being all you can really put against any other solitary stand-alone book-against Fault? It makes no sense saying 7 happy ending kid's fantasy books(my niece finished them all well before high school and understood them fully-and she was bored of them and frustrated by the half-baked ending that was an insult to every fan) or 1 real to life pain-filled young adult drama? Grandparents have read both, but they enjoyed TFioS. Harry Potter they only read to amuse their grandkids and get them to be quiet and go the fk to sleep, as the brilliant work aptly states. Only one of them has remotely original ideas or quotes. I read adventure/fantasy and better still science fiction that make Harry Potter look like it was written by a sixth grader as far as plot and character-Gandalf was a true great. Dumbledore is a sad copy with some superficial traits swapped. Formulaic writing is why teens&twenteens are such crap writers. You should have been delving into Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Malamud's works like The Assistant, The Iceman Cometh, Cat's Cradle, Robert Lowell&Emily Dickenson as early teens. Harry Potter is child's play. If THAT is life changing I'd hate to see how they'd handle the real world.

  • Louise - 11 years ago

    I really love TFiOS, but I vote for Harry Potter. HP will always be the best. DFTBA

  • Sarah - 11 years ago

    TFIOS hands down. TFIOS was the book that made me love reading. It was the first book to effect me like that and the only book to effect me so much. For those commenting on the pretentious language, this was intentional. If you read the FAQ about the book, you'll discover this and more. Maybe it'll make you appreciate its genius more.

  • Natalie - 11 years ago

    after all this time. always. harry potter is always my favorite. hp has withstand the test of time. TFIOS is good but its hasnt been around long enough to be the best ya book of all time. hp is not just a ya book but it can stretch from children to any age of adult. sorry TFIOS but harry potter is a definite winner here.

  • Renata - 11 years ago

    After all this time?


    HP without a doubt.

  • Rose Lovejoy - 11 years ago

    Okay, this is an easy choice: Harry Potter. I honestly couldn't care less about TFIOS mainly for the reasons that I didn't cry and that I felt that cancer was made light of. Like when it said that he died eight days after his prefuneral, John made it sound like he came back from a party. Also, the book was only 300 pages. I read that in a day. Harry Potter took me a year to finish reading the whole thing. Mainly because the last book itself was 800 pages and it was just unnecessary details. Plus, the confusing metaphors and shoved down your throats sayings were just a pain in the a**. I have good language for a teen, sometimes talking like a Tolkien character but I am not that good as Hazel and Gus. Which makes them unrealistic. Finally, the last reason is that it is so over-done for me. Like everyone has read it, even our grandmas. Yes, maybe it's somewhat heartfelt, but so was The Lovely Bones(one of my favorite books) and now every hates it after it became mainstream.

    Now Harry Potter isn't boring, nor confusing. It isn't about romance as the main story plot, even though romance is thrown in, and it's just EPIC! Harry Potter left an impression on the teens of today who read it when they were tweens. And it is a YA novel for your information, since some people think that it's for children. Maybe the first few books but by the fourth, you can tell it's for a more matured audience, just like The Hobbit is for children, The LOTR is for adults. Maybe I'm just a die-hard potterhead, but if you want NY Times to compare these, I'm pretty sure that they would pick Harry Potter which has sold over millions. TFIOS is just another Nicholas Sparks knock-off.

  • seYes - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter is a YA series. It is not only for children but also adults. It teaches so many thing that society needs. Teaches loyalty, teaches not to be afraid, teaches to not be scared of death, teaches good and bad, teaches about discrimination and acceptance, teaches about misguidance, teaches about losing and gaining, teaches about passion, teaches about compassion, teaches about many other things but most importantly Teaches about love conquering all evil. Every quote from Harry Potter is a line of golden literature. It means so much. Harry Potter has changed lives. Harry Potter is that escape from your teenage troubled years. It teaches us to be as individual and not-to-care as Luna. As loyal as Ron. As clever as Hermione. As brave as Harry. As patient as Ginny. As fun as George and Fred. As sensible as McGonagall. As out of this world like Dumbledore. Harry Potter is not only a series or books or movies. It is a piece of life and many other souls out there. Till the last day Harry Potter lives on.

  • Sophie - 11 years ago

    While HP was an amazing series, that I really enjoyed reading in my childhood, that's just the point. It's a children's series. Written for children. It's not YA, in my opinion. The Fault in our Stars was an amazing novel, and I sobbed while reading it; it completely changed my life and outlook on things. And, while HP was amazing for me as a child, TFiOS gets my vote for YA.

  • Krysten - 11 years ago

    I honestly don't think this poll was fair. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone was my bed time story as a kid. Of course i'll pick it, because it has sentimental value to me. (Nonetheless the incredible characters and storyline) but TFIOS is a completely different experience. It was truly a YA novel, in an absolute form. It's beautifully written, and I can definitely relate to Hazel and Augustus. I just felt dirty for choosing one over the other. I mean the best part of my childhood and the best part of my teenage life shouldn't be compared like that.

  • Julia M - 11 years ago

    Damn, what a tough choice. They're both so different. However, I think I'm going to have to vote for TFiOS. Harry Potter had a huge impact on my life, but it's not really YA fiction. I felt like TFiOS really captured what it was like to be a teen.

  • Erica - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter for sure. TFioS is great, phenomenal, inspirational, and the first book to have actually made me sob, but Harry introduced me to an entirely different world--one that I longed to live in with characters I desperately wanted to befriend. I agree though, pitting a stand-alone against an entire series is extremely unfair. Although if it were Philosopher's Stone vs. TFioS, I would still go with Harry for many reasons.

  • Potter loving Nerdfighter2.0 - 11 years ago

    Ok, so Harry Potter. Yes great book series. In all my opinions though, no single harry potter book is better than TFIOS. TFIOS changed the way I read books. Now that said, I love both Authors. Tfios Is the clear winner to me.

  • Josh - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter is a fun read and all, but it is by no means good. It is a cool idea, poorly executed with one of the most dissapointing endings (last 2 books) I have ever read. Not to mention the fact that all of the characters are incompetent, that it teaches children that there is something wrong with fearing death, that it supposes that good and evil are absolute, that the magic system is ridiculous, and that Ron Weasely is the most useless character of all time. I know that it has inspired countless people to read, and that it is this wonderful, magical world that we all remeber fondly, but looking at it now? There is a LOT of better YA fantasy, and a lot of better YA besides that.
    The Fault in Our Stars for example. While Catcher in the Rye obviously should have won this (because without it neither of tese would exist, and because it captures what being a yound adult is like in a way no other book ever has), besides that TFioS is probably my number one choice. It portrays teenagers as being real people, it acknowledges actual difficulties people face (i.e. heroism, living a meaningful life, dealing with death and loss and oblivian), rather than on abstract and false ideas (and I know HP deals with other things, but the central concept is the frankly false battle between good and evil). Seriously, any other than TFioS winning would be ridiculous.

  • Maya P. - 11 years ago


    I have decided that I don't care who wins. I will be extremely happy either way. This is the top 2 I was rooting for the whole way.



  • MercyB - 11 years ago

    I have always hated the Harry Potter series. I got to half way through the first book and i got so bored i gave up. I tried watching the movies as well and they were just as bad in my opinion. Tfios is my all time favourite book, it has inspired me and I have written some english homeworks inspired by the book. (haha) I love the book so much and I have read it at least 10 times. Tfios any day.

  • Sarah Zane - 11 years ago

    I have to agree with a lot of the people out there. Harry Potter as a series is so much better than any book out there. It isn't fair to pit a series against a stand alone. I mean if it had been the 5th Harry Potter vs. TFioS then TFioS would've won for me, but the series in its whole is so much better than TFioS.

  • Fandom Lover - 11 years ago

    THIS IS NOT A FAIR POLL.... I love them both too much to decide! Dang it!

  • alice - 11 years ago

    Love John Green's books. Love J.K Rowling. I think EW should have had a poll for best YA book of all time and then a separate poll for best book SERIES. But I'm going with Harry Potter on this. (Although I have a feeling the Nerdfighters will end up winning this one.)

  • Cesar - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter was a great series, but it didn't provoke introspection like TFIOS did for me. A lot in TFIOS I keep in my mind just to help me get by sometimes. Harry Potter took me on a great adventure, but it feels like something I'd only dream about every now and then. TFIOS can help teens believe that love can happen to anyone, even kids with cancer whose lives we often consider to be reduced to hospitals and rehabilitation. It also helps people understand that hope still lives in people with realistic tragedies, and they can be happy. It is really about what you look for in books, but TFIOS was able to dramatically impact my view on life, and I think every teen needs something like that.

  • Alexis - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter over TFIOS any day. I'm sorry, but I am one of those girls that cry over the death of any character and even only very slightly sad parts in books. When readers said they'd cried loads of tines throughout the book, my emotional brain translated that too: 'If normal girls cried a hundred times in this book you will cry a thousand' BUTI ONLY CRIED ONCE WHEN HAZEL WAS SAYING HER FUNERAL SOEECH TO AUGUSTUS. IT WAS BORING, PLAIN, CLICHE. Harry Potter has inspired millions to read, has two frikkin theme parks I mean come on. It not only deals with the while magic issue, but also racism, prejudice,status qou, believing in yourself in Nevilles case... It is funny, makes you laugh, and also makes you cry. TFIOS wasn't really funny. The characters in Harry Potter are realistic. Harry Potter is just legedary... I'm sure even John Green would agree that the Harry Potter series will never beat his, however lovely, book.


  • Sofie - 11 years ago

    TFIOS was meh. I love John Green and everything that he is doing, but none of his books have ever appealed to me. His characters aren't "real", they are too perfect, even in their flaws. They think beyond their age and it feels set up. Harry Potter was a real person. We saw his struggle and his flaws made him genuine, not "proper".

  • steph - 11 years ago

    TFIOS was NOT good. I don't even understand where all this love is coming from - it read like every other cancer book out there with slightly more pretentious language used. The ending was predictable, hackneyed, and there is literally nothing that sets it apart from all of the other YA books out there. I was so underwhlemed by this book, it just baffles me that so many people love it so much. I must be missing something. Harry Potter got a generation reading again, created a brand new world that still delights people to this day (the kid dressing up at Penn station, for example), and will go down in history. There's no contest to this poll. TFIOS is the flashy new thing, but Harry Potter is a classic.

  • Mariana. - 11 years ago

    NERDFIGHTER FOR A LIFETIME! Honestly, TFIOS is the first book I read from page to page and I've reread about 2 times, but it's also something that is unfair that is against the HP series. But John, my votes are AND ALWAYS be for you.

  • Ashley K - 11 years ago

    I would have voted for HP if it wasn't for the AWFUL ending. Rushed and contrived, the end of the HP series didn't deliver the way the end of The Fault in Our Stars did. It's also a BIT unfair to pit 1 book against an entire series, but WHATEVER. I hope Fault in Our Stars wins

  • Sam - 11 years ago

    Any YA book doesn't stand a chance against the Harry Potter series! I loooove tfios but I knew from the start Harry Potter was going to win, there's just nothing else like it

  • Mariane - 11 years ago

    Comparing a series to a novel? I'd go for TFIOS not because I'm not a fan of HP but because what HP was able to do in 7 books, TFIOS did in 1 :D

  • sal - 11 years ago

    The fault in our stars was okay but nothing special. I don't see why everyone made such a fuss about it, there are hundreds of YA books better than it. Harry Potter all the way - amazing books that changed loads of peoples childhoods!

  • Nancy - 11 years ago

    How about putting books in the same genre against each other?

    I've never been a fan of HP, so TFiOS it is!

  • Zach - 11 years ago

    TFIOS is monumental and you could never go wrong supporting John Green. Harry Potter was good, but to me seemed like generic fantasy work.

  • idek - 11 years ago

    I grew up with Harry Potter and I love it so much, and it did change my life (because without it life would be bleak), and it's an entire series and everything, but I have to say TFiOS because it was the first book that really moved me, that made me cry, and really makes me appreciate what time I have left of this short life. I fell in love with that book.

  • cj - 11 years ago

    John Green himself voted for Harry Potter so that just kind of shows how amazing and influental those books are. I mean, tfios is great, but I don't think it's changed as many lives as good old HP.

  • Nychy - 11 years ago

    Series versus novel. I'm gonna go with the criteria of this and vote for the actual novel.

  • Mel :) - 11 years ago

    I voted for Harry Potter because of one main reason: Harry Potter was a game changer. Yes, TFIOS was amazing and I loved it. It made me cry and think about my place in society, but I believe it can never compete with Harry Potter because it wasn't as revolutionary. Everyone grew up with this book, had it read to them at night. The fact is, HP was just a break through in that time period, and it has been popular ever since. TFIOS was an outstanding book but it just isn't on the same level as HP.

  • Shakira - 11 years ago

    Best YA NOVEL
    Harry Potter SERIES
    As far as I see, the only option left is TFiOS, as the Harry Potter series isn't one individual novel.

  • Dianne - 11 years ago

    I'm sorry, but I don't think anything trumps HP. He grows up with you. There's a book for every age, and she makes an entire world. Comparing an entire series (one with its own theme park, for god's sake) to one book, even a wildly popular one, just isn't fair.

  • Emily - 11 years ago

    I am a massive fan of both of these wonderful books, and I grew up with Harry Potter, with it being my absolutely favourite book series for a long time. But I have to say, The Fault in Our Stars is the most intelligently written, emotional and brilliant book I have ever read. That story has had more impact on me and has stayed with me longer than any other book. I am very fond of Harry, but this time it's TFIOS by far

  • Amber - 11 years ago

    TFIOS by far.

  • Lisa - 11 years ago

    I don't think that Harry Potter is a YA novel, at least the first four or five aren't. They're MG - Middle Grade books, aimed at younger audience. But I guess since everyone who grew up with HP is now a young adult or adult, it can be classified as one.

  • MA - 11 years ago

    Sorry, John, but Harry will always be my number one.

  • ASDFGHJKL - 11 years ago

    This is unfair. Why must we choose?

  • Jazzmine - 11 years ago

    John Green voted too. he said if it werent for Harry Potter, he never would have had a writing career himself.

    Honestly though, you're pitting a slightly older generations against a newer one. People who were 11,12, 13 when HP came out were in their 20's when TFIOS came out. Its not really fair to John Green.

  • Chris - 11 years ago

    I'M SORRY, JOHN!!!

  • James - 11 years ago

    This is definitely one of the most conflicting polls I've ever had to take. I'm a hugely devoted Nerdfighter, but I have to admit that Harry Potter has transcended the YA genre of fiction unlike any other novel. In time, perhaps TFiOS will too, but as it sits right now Harry Potter is the greatest. I voted for Harry, sorry John, Hazel and Gus. I guess it also depends on the fact that Harry Potter also is much more little children friendly so it can appeal to young children as well, which increases both the audience for the book and that audience's devotion. TFiOS really has no chance. But I will cheer if it wins.

  • T - 11 years ago

    I love John Green, really, I do. But who the hell is voting for TFIOS over Harry Potter?

  • iz - 11 years ago

    if it werent for the harry potter series, i may have never developed a love for reading, and would therefore, never had read the fault in our stars- TFiOs is by far one of the most beautiful YA's of all time, and it did take my vote just because im a lover of the underdog, but no book series has made this much of an impact on pop culture as harry potter since practically the Bible.

  • Josie - 11 years ago

    This is ridiculous. I love TFIOS and Harry Potter but they are completely different! TFIOS is one book, aimed at YOUNG ADULTS, and Harry Potter is a whole series ranged at a whole bunch of people. Of course Harry Potter is going to win, more people have read and heard of it of different ages and generations. Harry Potter has had a bigger impact on us because TFIOS hasn't had the chance to yet. These books are at different stages, it's totally unfair.

  • ILikeJohnGreenbutCOMEONGUYS - 11 years ago

    I can't believe this is even a poll. Obviously Harry Potter.

  • Completely Torn - 11 years ago

    TFIOS is so insanely amazing but I feel like these books fall into completely different categories. And there is a whole series of Harry Potter that appeals to even young children as well as adults where as TFIOS is only one book that isn't necessarily as appealing to such a wide variety of people. Regardles John Green you're my favorite ever ever ever ever! So amazing and insightful!

  • Rae - 11 years ago

    This was like picking a favorite out of my kids or something. I had to go with Harry Potter, but LOVED TFIOS. It was so hard to chose which is the best, because they each are the best. Potter wins best in fantasy, and John Green can write a damn fine realistic young adult novel.

  • Zoe - 11 years ago

    Ughh this is so hard. I'll probably have to go with Harry Potter because they're probably the best /books of all time. Then again, they're not really YA, so TFioS is the best YA of all time... I can't decide!

  • Claire - 11 years ago

    I love TFIOS as much as the next person, but as beautiful as it is it doesn't hold a candle to Harry Potter's influence on this generation

  • Kim - 11 years ago

    I love the HP series, but by definition, the series can't be the best YA novel. Therefore, TFiOS all the way baby!

  • hannasus - 11 years ago

    So there is an argument going own down below about the "originality" of the two novels. Let me just point out, that in the grand scheme of things, NEITHER of them are original. All stories now are archetypes of another story. Harry Potter= the Odyssey. Think about it, Harry and Odysseus both follow the hero's journey, experience the Road of Trials, face temptations... TFIOS uses the star-crossed lovers archetype from Romeo and Juliet. Now, as for my opinion. I have to go with Harry Potter all the way. Don't get me wrong I LOVE LOVE LOVE TFIOS, and I think it is a FANTASTIC book, but I think Harry Potter is more relatable to ALL ages. 2nd grade was when I first read Harry Potter and I LOVED it. And I still love it now. But I do not think I would have liked TFIOS at age 7. Next, Rowling has created such a fantastical world that extends WAY beyond her novels. I'm sure Green has something like this too, but nearly to the extent that Rowling does. John Green, I love you, and you are one of the best authors I have encountered, TFIOS is just different from Harry Potter.

  • billy - 11 years ago

    This isn't really a fair comparison. I think it could be argued TFIOS might be on par with individual books in the Harry Potter series. But as a unit Harry Potter is probably better than anything else I have read.

  • Alex - 11 years ago

    Even John Green voted for Harry Potter. That should say something about this silly poll.

  • Liz - 11 years ago

    When John was videoblogging about writing TFIOS, I was so amped. Looking For Alaska had been one of my favorite books ever (after Harry Potter--my childhood.) I pre-ordered the book and couldn't wait to gaze upon my jscribble and begin consuming those pages. But a weird thing happened. I never got into it like I should have. I wasn't enchanted with Hazel or Gus. I put the book down and it took me two years to open it up again and finish it (and I only did then because the hype over it became so crazy). Maybe it's because when I began reading it I wasn't a young adult anymore and maybe everything in it just seemed so forced and angsty.

    But what I'm getting at is that while I admire John Green and think he's not only a fantastic writer, but an admirable person; I think the only reason TFIOS even made it this far is because there's so much hyper surrounding it due to the movie and John being able to get the word out about it on his vlog.

    Harry Potter, however, is for life.

  • Julia - 11 years ago

    I voted for TFioS. But I think Harry Potter should win.

    Just because Hazel's journey was shorter, it doesn't make it any lesser than Harry's. Hazel's entire premise was to not leave a scar, and to travel lightly. Harry's was just like Agustus; he felt the need to dig in and take action.

    I believe in Hazel, but I'm rooting for Harry.

  • Isabelle - 11 years ago

    I would love to vote for TFIOS, it is one of the best books out there for young adults. Harry Potter has touched the hearts of so many people, and many of us grew up with the trio from the Harry Potter series. To pit these two against each other is a shame because they both are excellent in their own fields, and i believe that each of the 4 finalists (this is including Hunger Games and TKAM) because each has revolutionized and brought to the table a new and refreshing look to the world we live in. I believe all of these books deserve to be known as some of the best YA novels of all time. I am a full out nerdfighter, but Harry is a part of who i am and i can not take away him

  • JD - 11 years ago

    John Green himself voted for Harry Potter. Maybe that's modesty and sportsmanship and whatever, but it says something.

  • Robyn - 11 years ago

    O_O this is impossible. The two books are so different and HP is a series and TFiOS is phenomenal. Maybe I could chose if it was between one of the HP books on it's own and TFiOS but to stand against the whole series =[[[[[ *whyyyyyyy

  • Joanie - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter is amazing, and is chalk-full of amazing themes about love, courage, friendship, and equality. But John Green has a lot of these messages too and are possible life situations. It's raw and it's real. I felt like I understood Hazel, because she is just an ordinary person. Harry was extraordinary; his life could never be mine. I could never fully grasp what magic is or what that kind of burden could be, but in TFIOS, I knew exactly the pain and the confusion, the love and the loss, because the characters could be anybody.

  • Rachel - 11 years ago

    and of course the results of the poll are set to private ...

  • Rachel - 11 years ago

    D: how are you supposed to choose!!!! that's like choosing between children, like who is your favorite child (not that i can say i've had that experience, but hypothetically speaking).

    i kinda want both of them to win

  • Chris - 11 years ago

    As much as I love The Fault in Our Stars, and as much as it means to me, Harry Potter has to win out on this one. It was a defining force all throughout my childhood, my teen years, and even now. Sorry John.

  • Ali - 11 years ago

    Harry Potter got a generation to start reading. When you read the books, a whole world was opened up where extraordinary people, things and places existed. How can you argue with that?

  • Fliss - 11 years ago

    Both extremely well written. The Fault in our stars is something extraordinary. It is a brilliant read and you walk away at the end wanting more. But Harry Potter has got to be one of the greatest series of fiction EVER. I've grown up with Harry Potter and nothing can top that for me. Its a long, wonderful and magical story you want to read over and over again.

  • sira - 11 years ago

    I love both books Harry potter has always been my favorite book from the beginning The fault in Our Stars was the only book that ever came close to my love for Harry Potter but I have to go with Harry Potter in this one for that was the book that sparked my love for reading

  • Josh - 11 years ago


    I LOVE TFIOS! LOVE IT! But can't you say that about must writing? John Green's ideas aren't 100% original(girl has cancer, falls in love...), so I think it's unfar to say "Well JK Rowling's ideas aren't 100% original" Is anything 100% original anymore?

  • DFTBA - 11 years ago

    i thought it was best YA Novel. Its not fair to go "which is better this one great book or seven great books put together?" i can understand maybe including one harry potter book but to include the entire series is setting up anyone else to fail . They're all amazing books but for the sake of the title of the competition I went with my man John Green. And although Harry Potter played a big role in my growing up if you read other literature you can see that she took bits and pieces of everything else and placed it together to make Harry Potter (i.e. Gandalf and Dumbledoor could be twins). So just know not everything is 100% her original idea.

  • Lindsay - 11 years ago

    I loved The Fault in Our Stars, but reading Harry Potter was one of the best things that has ever happened in my entire life. Even though I'm now 28, have a degree in English literature, and have read some of the greatest novels of all time, nothing has ever trumped Harry Potter for me, and I'm pretty convinced that nothing ever will.

  • paul - 11 years ago

    Why do you guys always just look at the Big Names!!! Smaller prints of Amazing Stories are out there! Jumper Chronicles to name one is AMazing

  • Avid Book Reader - 11 years ago

    John Green told an excellent story in TFIOS. JK Rowling created an entire world and in that world, she created an adventure so descriptive that I felt as though I fought Voldemort right along with Harry and friends.

  • Teal - 11 years ago

    As much as I love TFIOS and John Green, Harry will always be my main man.

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