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Is India prepared to face another 26/11 like terror attack?


  • Harry - 11 years ago

    No.. not at all

  • urraj - 11 years ago

    Why can't we protect ourselves, don't we have local police, state police, central police, BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB, CISF, Coast Guard, Cobra, Panther, Zebra, Snake, NSG, SPG, ABC, DEF, GHI, etc to protect us. And if all fail then ill-equipped army is always there to lay down their lives for Us Unconcerned Citizen.
    We only need--Will to protect, coordination between dozens of security agencies who hate each other, bureaucrats and politicians who don't get cuts from each defence deals, a vocal and strong PM, sensitive citizen, government officers with 'average IQ', etc, etc.
    Pakistan will never stop its activities as long it exists, neither will it take action against terrorists how much we cry foul! Why can't we make weapons to strengthen our nation rather than exploring Mars?
    Not only the politicians but most people of this country don't have integrity, courage, resolve and will to make India a powerful nation. Look at Japan, what she achieved despite 2 atom bombs barely 67 years ago.

  • Rathiraj - 11 years ago

    India will remain vulnerable till the citizens themselves. Unless we wake up nothing will change, afterall people who matter are from among us and belong to our society, culture and economic background. This country will only be safe when each of us do 'our duties' selflessly, from peons to directors, from auto-drivers to BMW-owners, from a constable to IGP, from voters to leaders, etc, etc. So far only few men & women doing thier duties for millions of others, how good will be if all of do the same.
    Unless we wake ourselves up, Kasabs from Pakistan will continue to murder us. See what happened post 26/11? Its still the same.
    Yes after every such incident, sale of candles certainly go up, should we blame candle-makers for this all?

  • K H Raj - 11 years ago

    Dear HT,

    For all of us it is so easy to criticize government for all wrong done in the society or specifically target government officials and high dignitaries, but it's so difficult to accept that we are also equally responsible for such events. We too are part of this society and it's our moral duty to protect nation from enemies. How helpless we can be as an Indian who aren't capable enough to crackdown the roots of such events and in need of an active and efficient agency like CIA and FBI. What inputs do we take from such incidents? Just remembering the day and taking out candle march doesn't justify anyone's stand. It seems weird that in a democracy like India, where there is a democratic govt. from within us and we are criticizing the same govt. rather than co-operating with them.

    Also how shameful it is when the brave soldiers of our nation for their protecting India's glory fight for their life to free India from enemies hand and as a general public and media, rather than supporting them, we are just seeing their act and media getting exclusive footage to increase TRP of their channel. They don't understand the need of the hour i.e. to stop the broadcast and support the govt. in carrying out rescuation operation by volunteering for any help possible.

    Those footages helped the terrorist to locate the position of NSG and guide the troops present inside the Taj hotel. There could have been many less toll of death but ineffective administration, media groups and we as Indian are together guilty for this incident.

    Also there have been many terror attack after the incident such as Bodh Gaya blast, Patna blast, Delhi blast, but still there's no solution or plan how to tackle these.

    We as a citizen needs to co-operate with the govt. in anyway possible as in a democracy the govt is by the people, for the people and of the people

    KH Raj

  • karandeep - 11 years ago

    Indian Government is unable to protect females against sexual assaults and gang-rapes....hw can they protect us from terrorists??? i wonder!!!
    Ministers are busy fightiong for the power and practicing corrupt policies...future scope of India is zero...India needs dictatorship!!!

  • Divya V - 11 years ago

    We live in a country where Coast Guards for security are hired AFTER the terror attack. We're far from being prepared for another one.

  • Anil singh - 11 years ago

    India is least prepared to face any future terror attacks because we have a very short memory.we easily forget such grave incidents and get busy in our day to day lives or else how can we forget Mumbai 1992 bomb blasts , local train blasts and the attack on our parliament. Its high time when a national policy to counter such subversive acts should be put in place and followed with ruthless action. we have witnessed how Israeli,s pursued the Munich Olympics attack or the operation at Entebbe in Uganda . They went in hot pursuit and killed all involved . It may sound "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" but the need of the hour and order of the day demands this policy. Today all the enemies of Isreal think twice before taking any action against them. We have to have secret Vigilante organisation who should work round the clock to foresee such nefarious plans and go in hot pursuit to nip it in the bud ( a la FBI sort of organisation) with all high tech and special powers with financial support.
    The present political set up and the foreign policy is not conducive to this idea but if India is to be safe them sooner or later we will have to come up with such or similar plan/policy.
    Despite all these there will be terror attacks but we will be better prepared and the attackers will have to think twice before outraging our modesty.

  • RD - 11 years ago

    The recent Sindu Rakshak episode, gave out how badly our Navy is equipped, thanks to our media which has gone overboard about exposing our weakness. We are short of ships and even speed patrol boats, which costs nothing compared to the SCAMS. Our armed forces should be strengthened and there should be more equipments rather than using budgets for buying stuff like VVIP Choppers which would only be used for merry-go-round.

  • satish nigudkar - 11 years ago

    Dear Sir,
    as is evident from the way IM is freely operating and striking at will we are ill prepapred as we do not have the political will to counter terrorism; It is also evident from the way the NIA is (mis) handling the investigation; as long as no politician or his ilk are affected we shall continue to suffer; the life of the ordinary citizen is cheap, after we are a nation of 1.2Bn

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