Do You Plan To Discuss The Advantages Of ObamacareWith Family Members Over Thanksgiving Dinner, As Organizing For Action Suggests?


  • Earl - 11 years ago

    Why would anybody want to bring up the topic of obamacare at Thanksgiving?? It would have the same effect as talking about Bowel movements. It would ruin the dinner!!

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Wow. Who thought up this question? 1st off, Thanksgiving is a day to reflect and be grateful for all things good in our lives, both big and small. Obamacare does not fall into that catagory anywhere. 2nd, If the Dems. had paid some attention to the so called "MISINFORMATION", we as a nation would all have something to be thankful for this year. Merry CHRISTMAS to all.

  • John - 11 years ago

    ... and what might those advantages be? I see our government would like for each of us to propagandize family members. My family is smart and they'd have me committed if I started spewing liberal tripe.

    The only advantage I can think of is being relieved of the heavy burden of worry about what to do with the small amount of money left over after expenses have been paid because when the law has its intended effect, no one will have any discretionary money to worry about.

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