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Would you support a change in government policy that would allow the sale of liquor in grocery stores?

Total Votes: 2,202

  • denise - 10 years ago

    All they are going to do is put people out of work grocery store clerks would have to be 19 to sell so no more school kids. the small business will go bankrupt we will have to hire more liquor inspectors to police the grocery stores at 25 plus an hour the prices will not go down like in the states because of the tax they might even go up product selection will be limited so will hurt small wineries and breweries. Are we as Canadians to lazy to walk the extra 200 yards to keep small business alive in BC? Nothing positive about this move.

  • Corey - 11 years ago

    They carry alcohol in grocery stores and convenient stores in Quebec and it is quite disappointing actually. The grocery stores can't carry the wide selection liquor stores do. They often just carry domestic beer, a few imports and a small selection of wine and liquor. With other stores being able to sell alcohol, you will probably see a decline in the amount of liquor stores which means it will be harder to find what you want.

    Keep alcohol out of grocery stores, just increase liquor store hours and allow them to open on Sundays.

  • Bruce - 11 years ago

    Dan, things change all the time. Politicians have proven, over and over and over, that they cannot be trusted, yet people trust them, get turned upon, and then act all surprised over it. Safeway isn't going to spend millions of dollars to put in a small beer and wine store. It is only a bit more convenient than having to go to a different store to buy it. The liquor stores will see only a small reduction in business, then the novelty will wear off, and things will be back to normal.

    I would also propose that for all grocery store purchases, ID must be shown for every purchase, regardless of who you are or how old you look. A 100% ID could dissuade people from buying there, due to their privacy concerns. Then they would post that on FaceBook to complain.

    I saw a letter from an alcoholic tha posed something I hadn't thought about: the addicted. Not all grocery stores will go to the trouble to sell beer/wine, but it could become more difficult if the closest store to the alcoholic sold it. That makes me think a bit harder about it, but I am generally in favour of opening up the sale of beer and wine.

  • Dan - 11 years ago

    Bruce. I'm in the trades. Have no vested interest. Seems like dirty pool and the people who own beer and wine stores have a lot to lose in some cases. What would be the method to the madness of which you refer.?

  • Bruce - 11 years ago

    So which liquor store do you own, Dan? And who says the government didn't think of it? There is a method to the madness.

  • Dan - 11 years ago

    This would hurt a lot of people who invested. In the industry as it stands now.. The government should have thought of this before that happened.

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