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Should Connecticut Require Businesses Remain Closed On Thanksgiving, As State Rep. Matthew Lesser Proposes?


  • Timothy - 11 years ago

    The state should not mandate when a business is allowed to be open. If the consumer doesn't want to shop on a holiday, that is his/her right, too.

  • Jude - 11 years ago

    If one wants their bar or restaurant to be smoking or non smoking - that should be their choice.. Free adults will choose where they want to go . Business open or closed- should be their choice, & their customers. We should be free business folks & free choice customers. Too many laws messing up free choice !!! Gov. - please stop controlling & messing up everything. Keep your hands off free enterprise & free thinking people.

  • Todd - 11 years ago

    Don't trust a Democrat. All the Democrats voted for Obamascare---end of story.

  • Tom Baran - 11 years ago

    Another reason Connecticut hurts businesses. Does this knucklehead Lesser even think. If you don't want the stores to be open than don't go. Government is way to big as it is!!!

  • Kaz - 11 years ago

    We should bring back the blue laws. If all stores were closed one day a week, No one will lose money and maybe a little family time would do every one some good.

  • Tom - 11 years ago

    If you want to be heard, it's not too hard. Just do all your shopping at P.C.Richards and skip the big boxes. P.C. Richards has the right idea !!

  • Beth Cocola - 11 years ago

    Black Friday is a completely ARBITRARY, albeit rooted in recent tradition. There is no reason why these sales couldn't be on Saturday. It seems unlikely that retailers will roll back the clock on this-without enormous social pressure or legislation, a last resort. Kudos to local retailer PC Richard that does not open on Thanksgiving out of respect to employees and their families. If the big box sales shifted to Saturday, then small business Saturday might need to shift to the following weekend.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    As long as the employees do not have their jobs threatened for taking the holiday off, it's none of the good senators buisness. How about this senator, since the demacrats keep bowing to the anti-prayer and anti religion groups, why not suggest legislation to end Good Friday, and Christmas as paid holidays for goverment workers? These type's of proposals just prove that they have way too much time on their hands, and perhaps they themselves are not needed. Please stay out of the private sector, you've done enough already.

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