Should the World Zoroastrian Congress be cancelled ?


  • jimmy - 11 years ago

    I fully agree with all the wise comments given by the members of our dear community. From the comments, one can literally see through the pain and agony that each of the members of our community is going through, in lieu of the stupid action taken by the honorable trustees of BPP, by filing a police complaint against a co-trustee and trying to wash dirty linen in public. Its a shame indeed. (Such matters could have very surely been settled in the BPP BOard room itself.) I fully agree with the view and am absolutely sure that if the honorable Mr Cyrus Poonawalla is approached in a right manner by a few of our dignitaries from the community (LEAVING ASIDE THE 7(SEVEN) BPP TRUSTEES) he would surely without any hesitation agree and sponsor the whole event by himself AND just a humble proposal why cant the beneificaries throw out (Oh! Am I too very harsh) the whole BPP Board and request distinctly honorable persons like Mr Cyrus Poonawalla, Mr Nusli Wadia, Mr Ratan Tata, Mr Adi Godrej, Mr Shiamak J Marshall, Mr Yazdi Tantra, Mr Percy Chhapgar & other such respectable persons to take over the BPP Board as Trustees and ensure that the name of our community is never-ever spoilt hence forth in future again. However, personally I feel that Mr Munchi Cama should continue on the BPP since HE is surely a very dignified person (with royal blood) and works day in and out for the betterment & upliftment of our community without any doubts. May Dadar Ahuramazda bless all our community members. Ushtate.

  • Khushroo Bode - 11 years ago

    Stop the crab attitude, instead of uniting, & promoting, the World Zoroastrian Congress, these so called leaders of the micro mini comunity, are causing disgrace to the community at large. Why there sould be division like Wapiz & other instead of being Zoroastrians. Begin with the comunity interests first instead of personal interests & individual party's intrest. Learn to live in the present and stop harping over past glories.

  • Khushroo Bode - 11 years ago

    Stop the crab attitude, instead of uniting, & promoting, the World Zoroastrian Congress, these so called leaders of the micro mini comunity, are causing disgrace to the community at large. Why there sould be division like Wapiz & other instead of being Zoroastrians. Begin with the comunity interests first instead of personal interests & individual party's intrest. Learn to live in the present and stop harping over past glories.

  • Khushroo Bode - 11 years ago

    Stop the crab attitude, instead of uniting, & promoting, the World Zoroastrian Congress, these so called leaders of the micro mini comunity, are causing disgrace to the community at large. Why there sould be division like Wapiz & other instead of being Zoroastrians. Begin with the comunity interests first instead of personal interests & individual party's intrest. Learn to live in the present and stop harping over past glories.

  • Khushroo Bode - 11 years ago

    Stop the crab attitude, instead of uniting, & promoting, the World Zoroastrian Congress, these so called leaders of the micro mini comunity, are causing disgrace to the community at large. Why there sould be division like Wapiz & other instead of being Zoroastrians. Begin with the comunity interests first instead of personal interests & individual party's intrest. Learn to live in the present and stop harping over past glories.

  • Rustom M Cursetji - 11 years ago

    If the World Congress is cancelled , it will be a sad day for the world wide zoroastrian community.

    Though the reasons for the difference in the BPP Trust Board are not clearly spelt out - it is not too difficult to read that individual agendas have got the better of collective wisdom and tarred the fair name of the BPP.

    Can we do without the BPP -- I feel NO , because for better or worse they represent a wide majoritry of the PARSI IRANI ZOROASTRIAN diaspora of the world. The better thing would be to strategise how to stem the internal rot and clen up the working of the BPP. In the final analysis the blame , if it may be so called rests with the voting public who elected these honorable men to lead the community.

    Long term structural changes are necessary to gaurantee the continuity of good governance within the BPP.
    But what about the immediate short term ?

    We cannot sacrifice this to the greed and unholy appetite of a few individuals. We should set up a Organizing Committee with adequate powers and finance to manage this world event and by agreed consensus exclude all the current sitting trustees. Dont we have a Galaxy of eminent people including ex- trustees who command universal respect and are acclaimed for their professional skills.

    Let us go ahead and I request the BPP trustees themselves to nominate 4-5 trusted individuals for this formidable task,

  • Minoo Avari - 11 years ago

    Ever since the likes of Khojestee Mistry decided to teach us our religion and a bunch of no good sods hijacked the communities' corridors of power, the Parsi's have either been at one another's throats, indifferent or completely turned off from anything to do with organised religion. How does that serve us?

    Actually it might well be the answer judging by the moral, immoral and other shady characters who profess to lead us on the 'straight & narrow'!

  • Jamshed - 11 years ago

    In my opinion, all four renegade trustees should resign immediately or we the community should find a way to get them out of the BPP. All this "tempest in a tea cup" is only because of Khojestee & Yazdi not being able to promote their WAPIZ organization propaganda. They along with J.R.Mistry and Arnavaz have enough skeletons in their closets, which when exposed will blow them out of the water!! Congress WILL GO ON, in spite of these trustees.

  • Behroze - 11 years ago

    THE SHOW MUST GO ON. Zoroastrians, world over have made plans months in advance to attend the World Zoroastrian Congress and have been looking forward to attending, meeting others and learning from it. It would not be right to cancel this event at the last hour.

  • Hosi Mehta - 11 years ago

    It is sad and disgraceful if the allegations are true. Leaders of a community or any group should be held to a higher level of responsiblity.
    Having said that no individual should be given the importance that the congress should be cancelled because of their misdeeds.
    We are a religion that believes in enhancing the positive, the goodness, the righteousness. The community should not be cancelling an event of this magnitude for exactly the opposite, the negative behaviour of an individual or a group.

  • Aspy - 11 years ago

    What has happened in the BPP is shameful and has made the community a laughing stock however the show must go on.
    To cancel the WZC would be be unfair as plans made the world over will go awry just because some primates in the zoo are running amok.
    Cannot understand how eight likeminded,educated,responsible and honorable Parsis, given the mandate by the community, cannot come to an understanding to pass/vote on any issue amicably without letting their personal egos be spoil sports and making a mockery of our sacred institution.
    After being voted to office and their show of solidarity, immediately after the elections, most Parsis were convinced of a fair and transparent running of the institution, only to be horribly let down once again.

  • S.T.B.Daruwala - 11 years ago

    The hitherto high reputation, credibility and standing as the world's premier Parsi/Zoroastrian Trust Fund
    has been irreparably damaged by the five senior Trustees (excluding Mr. Cama and Mrs. Tirandaz) who should
    immediately step down voluntarily otherwise removed by the Charity Commissioner.

  • Soli Arceivala - 11 years ago

    The WZC must be held as programmed. It should not be affected by any internal quarrel of the BPP. We must rise above it.

  • Soli Arceivala - 11 years ago

    The WZC must be held as programmed. It should not be affected by any internal quarrel of the BPP. We must rise above it.

  • Rashna - 11 years ago

    I have registered 30 delegates from IRAN to attend 10th WZC, this is their 1st visit to India & they are eagerly looking forward to attending WZC. Please look at the intrest of the community and by and large International Delegates who have planed their visit to our Country. The 10th WZC should not only be held but also conducted in a decent manner and show the world what we preach is what we pratise.

    For any said reason if the congress is called off, it will be Shameful & World will view us not only as a minority but also a Petty community.

  • Zenobia Kaikobad - 11 years ago

    The WZC should certainly not be cancelled at any cost . A bunch of trustees who are ultimately serving their own self interest cannot tarnish the name of our community. This is a meet where Zoroastrians from all over the world will participate. How will we justify such incompetent and irresponsible behaviour?

    Its high time we get out of our slumber and show our full support to Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla and ensure that the WZC happens and is a huge success- With or without our Trustees.

  • maneck Davar - 11 years ago

    4 trustees have acted irresponsibly and they need to either rescind their decision or appoint an independent Organising Committee. I would suggest the community write directly to them and make them see beyond self interest. The decision to cancel will have tremendous repercussions on the fair name our forefathers have worked so hard to achieve.

  • Mani Patel - 11 years ago

    Such a small community and yet not intelligent enough to know when to strike and when not to. Shame on us for having voted people who are not proactive. The next time lets vote for people who want to do good work and not politicians.

  • Ruzbeh K Mowdawala - 11 years ago

    The show must go on.It will be Mr Cyrus Ponawalla prestige on line. What a wonderful gesture on his part!

    Let the dignatiaries come and enjoy our hospitality and culture and learn from each other. I am hosting a few though I may not attend.

    Let the Trustees fight their own battles in private.. Let good sense prevail.
    Next time we must vote better!!What say you??
    Good Luck 10 WZC!I am sure it will be great success.

  • Khurshid Avasia - 11 years ago

    I fully support the views of Mr. Kersi Commisariat. It will be a shame and a big disgrace that a community of such high repute has now fallen in our own esteem. We should not let the WZ Congress get cancelled at any cost. The show must go on and be better than planned earlier with mutual understanding, support and goodwill.

  • kersi commissariat - 11 years ago

    The show must go on, no matter what. Personal vendetta / grudge has no place in civilized society.

    Just think how it will implicate our image in other communities and Nation . We will be a laughing stock for other sister communities.

    The main person to decide will be Dr. Cyrus Poonawala, the main sponsor, will he be ready to spend the big amount if BPP is out????

    Lets hope 'pachham budhia' so called 'leaders' of our community realise this and finds a solution ASAP.

  • A Billimoria - 11 years ago

    What has W Z Congress got to do with Parsi panchayet ??

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