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Is Shoma's resignation the beginning of the end for Tehelka?


  • Khush - 11 years ago

    If Tehelka closes, take it victory of vice over good. Corrupt politicians like Bagaru Lakshaman, 2G Raja & co would thrive. That is what BJP wants. A weak media. Like all Gujarati papers.
    I hope conscience of intellectuals and nationalistic view would prevail to sustain Tehelka to keep publishing. I would urge Ms Shoma to reconsider and do real journalistic work, most need of the hour.
    BJP is maligning image of good politician through miss use of tweeter, Facebook with a hired brigade out side India. That is why many views supporting BJP tweet copiously to dilute the issue affecting them. Sully many good politicians like PM, Rahul, Chidambaram, Montek Singh, Kapil Sibal, Salman Khushid et al

  • Joginder Singh Kular - 11 years ago

    Tarun Tejpal's actions amount to sexual harrassment of a junior colleague, most reprehensible act and deserves to be punished.Shoma Choudhary may not be involved in total cover up but she didn't take appropriate action. Her resignation is a step towards the downfall of Tehlaka.

  • Harish sharma - 11 years ago

    off course , it is the devastating end of Tehlka which has no moral ethics against woman despite of being chaired by woman. Definitely burden of decision to be bear by head without any if and but,
    It is well exposed by media but might be some cases who never open speak under the pressure and adopt and accepted the way of success.

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