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Which duo in Castle Mane-ia worked the best together? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 24,132

  • Peanut Crunch - 10 years ago

    Of the pairings mentioned, AJ and Dash had the best dynamic.

    Both Fluttershy and Rarity were amusing as always, but ultimately they had their own goals. Twi was being the adorkable mare we all love when she found the library, and while Spike did directly assist his duties were mostly watching Angel and being scared.

    Both AJ and Dash had a shared goal, and because of this they worked the best off of each other in trying to see who would crack first. It makes me want to see these two do more friendly competition like in Fall Weather Friends.

    And yes, Pinkie is best organ player. I know Andrea teaches piano and not oragn, but it's still neat to see one of her characters exhibiting keyboard skills (even if we don't know how).

  • Crystal - 10 years ago

    I think that you CAN'T vote for Pinkie Pie and the organ or schoolbel, because it is WHO worked together the best, not WHAT.

  • Chrystina - 10 years ago

    Why isn't there any "Pinkie Pie and school bell" option? I'd be all for voting that. lol. =D
    I picked Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Because they were awesometastic!

  • sandal - 10 years ago

    i really loved seeing appledash getting scared

  • Safireix - 10 years ago

    While Twilight and Spike were the only ones who really achieved their goal - though Rarity and Fluttershy also kinda did - they didn't really work together to do it. As much as I love seeing AJ and RD together, again, they didn't work together, and got separated a lot.

    That leaves Fluttershy and Rarity. They worked together the most, were separated the least, and both at least somewhat achieved their goals. Rarity got a tapestry to fix up, and Fluttershy reunited with Angel in the end. So, Fluttershy and Rarity worked together the best.

  • Abekrie - 11 years ago

    I believe that Rarity and Fluttershy worked the best together as they actually helped each other out in the situations instead of Rainbow Dash and Applejack where they were just going against each other but staying together because they were spooked. Twilight was just reading a book while ignoring Spike's scared mind.
    If I had to choose a group not mentioned, it would be Twilight and Angel because the two were calm and worked together.

  • Korora - 11 years ago

    I'm disappointed at the lack of an "Argh, I can't decide" option.

  • Dave - 11 years ago

    I'm disappointed at the lack of a "Pinkie Pie and the organ" as a choice.

  • Strate - 11 years ago

    Well, since the question is which pair worked the best together and not which pair was the most fun or something like that, I'd say Twilight and Spike. I mean, they were the only ones who actually did what they went to the castle to do in the first place: Read books. Rarity came very close to doing what she went to do, which is restoring the old tapestries, but she was unable to until after everything was solved, so I don't count it, and Rainbow and Applejack kinda did the opposite of what they were supposed to do, which was prove who was the most daring pony, and ended up showing just how scared they both could be. And besides, Twilight and Spike is the only pair that actually remained together the entire episode. So yeah, those two it is.

  • Tony Yotes - 11 years ago

    What do you mean worked the best? Caused the least havoc? Had the best chemistry? Was the most entertaining?
    Because each group takes one of those positions.

  • Nick - 11 years ago

    Rarity and Flut... oh my, that was a good episode

    PD: btw, in the votepool you spelled bad Rarity, it says "Rairty" :3

  • Mizu - 11 years ago

    Rarity & Fluttershy just 'cause I like episodes when they get a lot of lines :D Plus I liked how Rarity could pick up on Fluttershy's subtle passive-aggressiveness

    AJ & RD are a close second though. I love their rivalry but it's weird seeing them so gosh darned spooked. (Also McCarthy kinda ruined their dynamic for me with her one tweet about RD's Wishful Thinking)

  • Karach - 11 years ago

    Where's the option for solo Pinkie? Would 100% vote for her, although it was kinda predictable it was her playing those pipes.

  • Gammer7 - 11 years ago

    Twilight did suck this episode, but it was nice to see the show focus on the mane 6 more instead of Twilight. I personally think Rainbow and Applejack were the best, because they were so funny. Though Rarity and Fluttershy did come in a very close second.

  • hyreia - 11 years ago

    Pinkie and Pie were best duo.

    I do love the dynamic with AJ and RD though.

  • Richard - 11 years ago

    All of the Rarishy shippers are going to swoon. I knew Blueblood was bad but this shows he is bad enough to turn a mare away from stallions entirely.

  • Rockpath5 - 11 years ago

    Obviously Pinkie Pie and her imagination were the best pair.

  • Roselicious - 11 years ago

    Twilight didn't do anything, she had her muzzle in a book the entire time. Spike just hid under a table the whole episode. Rarity talked about tapestries and Fluttershy ran around looking for a rabbit. I think Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the most fun in this episode.

  • SpeedBoost - 11 years ago

    @Dogman15 Rairty is best.....pony?¿?

  • Dogman15 - 11 years ago

    You misspelled Rarity as "Rairty".

  • MM - 11 years ago

    But the episode is still AWESOME,and pinkie pie prooves that she's best pony.

  • MM - 11 years ago

    Twilight sucked in this episode

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