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Should fighter jets escort Santa on his travels?

Total Votes: 1,548

  • Amanda - 10 years ago

    I say yes! As a military wife with a child I think its cool. Santa supports the military just like everyone should. And to the people saying why are we going to let our children believe in santa..what is wrong with you! Isn't it like tradition that children believe in santa. Just like the easter bunny, and tooth fairy. Shame on you. Santa doesn't have to take all the glory at Christmas. That's why you get one gift from santa, and the rest are from mommy and daddy. It doesn't have to be expensive! Good lord people. Chill and support the men and women who let you be free in this country. The NORAD tracker is for kids and not grown ups!

  • Sharlene - 10 years ago

    STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please stop with this Santa non-sense. I do not understand why parents are telling their kids there is a Santa??? You work hard to provide then let some imaginary man take the glory. Why not just be happy with the season of giving, sharing and caring? Jeez Imaginary Santa needs an imaginary escort, don't we have enough "Santa" movies lets stop there. I just love the season period, but it's different strokes for different folks...but lying to the kids smh.

  • shirley from canton - 10 years ago

    with so many of the children in the area have someone in their family or their friends families have someone serving in the military at this time it may be comforting to them to know that their family member has sent a special gift to them and sent their military friends to make sure they get it for sure.
    it may make them feel closer to their family member and feel that that person is thinking of them at this time of year.

  • Juanita - 10 years ago

    No fighter jets please! Santa is magical and has his special powers..he does not need fighter jets...let's get back to the magic of Christmas and the true meaning for at least the season!

  • karen fishet - 10 years ago

    I think it's a shame taking the magic of Santa coming,these children now don't use their imagination. There is so much stress on our children these days now the anticipation of Santa coming will be showing our children fear. What is supposed to be fun is the Government controlling again. So darn sad.

  • Quetta - 10 years ago

    Santa has pepper to throw in someone's eyes if they bother him he doesn't need fighter jets

  • Andrew - 10 years ago

    This whole thing is completely stupid. The relevance of what flies with a children's character that you may or may not believe in - why is this even making the news???

  • Heather - 10 years ago

    This is the most ridiculous I have ever heard. How can this not terrify young children? Let children use their imagination and let Christmas be magic. Don't ruin it by scaring them. "Santa needs protection" What about your child? Where is their protection? NOT COOL! Christmas is about peace, love, sharing, giving, caring about someone other than yourself. Teach them these things!

  • Pam Deary - 10 years ago

    I didn't think about protecting Santa I thought about the fighter jets being so fast and Santa going thru so many time zones they were going to make sure Santa's path was clear of other air traffic.

  • Chris Hutchinson - 10 years ago

    I agree with Trinity :) Santa needs protected and our military needs to be remembered for the great job they do and the sacrifices they make.

  • amber vorell - 10 years ago

    Leave it alone...Santa comes one night a year. Is it really necessary to add fighter jets? Santa should have no affiliation with an instrument of war. Not all of our children are military & may not understand. I want to talk with my child about the traditional meaning of Christmas on Christmas Eve, not explain why Santa needs to be escorted around the world by war machines.

  • F that - 10 years ago

    This is completely gay. Kids have to grow up fast enough and will soon learn about the mess this worlds become. Let kids be kids without a military commercial attached to their big night.

  • Trinity Hancock - 10 years ago

    I think is a cute idea after all Santa needs protection also. And as a military wife and growing up military I truly think it will help military kids feel closer to there parent that may not b home do to the military. We have been thru 4 deployments to Afghanistan. I know my son will love seeing the plains escorting Santa to deliver all the presents. And as adults it may just remind us to keep our military in our thoughts and prayers over the Christmas season

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