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Was Tomlin's punishment fair?

Total Votes: 1,012

  • Dave - 10 years ago

    Just a thought.

    The NFL should do away with the 15 yards for certain infractions and replace them with having the violating team play a down or two with TEN players, maybe the safety.

  • jim - 10 years ago

    One thing that should have been done to make this more appropriate would be to award the Ravens an additonal 4 points to their score. The reason is in case or a tie with the ranking for both Pittsburgh and Baltimore at the end of regular season a differential of victory would go to the Steelers favor by a single point all other things being equal. The rules allow for a TD to be awarded for interferience from the sideline. Since this was the case for Tomlin and the proof is in the fines. Therefore ,the Ravens would not be eliminated by a single point due to the interference by Tomlin ( taking 3 points away). The additonal points would be justified and appropriate for the situation.The rules support this thinking and a clear message would be sent to all players and coaches for the future!

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