Should Congress Extend Unemployment Payments Yet Again?


  • frank - 11 years ago

    I think John hit the nail on the head with this one. Unless the Fed begins a policy aimed at deregulation and lowering of taxes on larger manufacturing, we will not see any job growth. All one has to do is travel south from places like Odessa Texas into Mexico, and they will see where the jobs have gone. Large companies like Freightliner, Catapillar, etc are right there doing a booming business. Better tax rates, less regulation, and no union interuptions. If only politicians had any sense of what it takes to operate a company. I feel for those workers that are unable to find gainful jobs, but until the powers that be get their collective heads out of the sand, un-employment benefits are all they have for now. Sad.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Government should pursue policies that foster job growth and stop using the jobless as political pawns in their cynical demagogue games. The narrative here invites criticism of anyone who dares advocate any sort of fiscal restraint and stop the insanity of throwing taxpayer money at the symptom of a problem while making every effort to ensure the problem itself persists.

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