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Will Voter Reaction To The Affordable Care Act, Or "Obamacare" Give Republicans Control Of Both The House And Senate In 2014?


  • John - 11 years ago

    The ACA is a political tool designed to destroy the economy and to create a permanent underclass with all its mandates. Nothing is done to control underlying costs- the law essentially mandates that policies cover "everything" which drives premiums way up- yet includes five figure annual deductibles that mean you may as well not be insured. Because they failed (refused?) to inform us of the nature of the tyranny, Republicans bear just as much blame regardless of the fact that they did not vote for it. Obama is not the only one who needs to face criminal charges because he could accomplish anything without willing enablers.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    As I said 4 days ago, no changes can be made to any law without debate and passage by the current sitting Congress. Now here we go again with yet another change by the President without any input. This guy truly believes he is KING! Why are no challenges being raised? The fact that Obama is a man of color, everyone is afraid to take him on for fear of being labeled "rasist". Forget what the constitution says, they are all covering their collective butts while the laws of the land are being shredded befor our eyes. When I think back on what happened to Nixon, and Clinton for their indiscretions, this guy should be hung for treason!

  • Bill - 11 years ago

    I hope and pray that the Republicans can keep the House and take the Senate.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    The way things are supposed to work in our system of goverment, once a law is passed, any changes to it must be approved by Congress. As of now there have been a number of changes made to the AHCA without any input from the House, or the Senate. Unless something is done to force the current administration to follow the LAW, they can continue to do as they please to ensure another Demacratic victory in the next election. The Obama administration is more like a King and his Court. This is not how America is supposed to be governed. Maybe they can all get together for a group selfie before impeachment begins.

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