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What Was Your Favorite Micro Series Comic?

Total Votes: 11,137

  • Ed Thorpe - 11 years ago

    I liked the Pinkie Pie issue most.

  • Krysta - 11 years ago

    Huh. Looks like Rarity's gotten overrated this past year. She's high in a lot of polls. Luna was already overrated, I bet not even half of the voters for Luna has even read it.

  • D Dub - 11 years ago

    Luna is winning because hers is most recent. Rarity is winning because hers is best.

  • Renate - 11 years ago

    Luna and Rarity's sucked. I have no idea how they're even winning, it doesn't make sense. Rainbow Dash's was messed up and Fluttershy's a bit boring, but how she were different gave it a plus. I think Celestia, Applejack and Twilight's were the best. The rest was in between for me.

  • BenHead - 11 years ago

    For once, it's NOT just because "Luna". A lot of the comic staff have been great, but no one holds a candle to Katie Cook and Andy Price, which means either the Luna or Rarity issues. Personally I liked the Luna issue slightly better. (I'm a Twilight Sparkle fanboy myself, but that issue was only okay.)

  • mike - 11 years ago

    hehe... Luna.

  • Alicia - 11 years ago

    I haven't read any of them so I'm not going to vote. It wouldn't be fair, even though I know lots of you have voted unfairly anyway. But I still wont vote as it wouldn't really count.

  • Bri - 11 years ago

    No Big Mac love. :c

  • Lunatic - 11 years ago

    Cause they gave Luna an awesome personality which Luna perfectly fits in.

  • Air - 11 years ago

    Why do you guys like Luna so much? I mean, I like her character and everything but I don't like her more than the main characters and half of the other secondary characters.

  • Freemane - 11 years ago

    Welp, Luna's winning again, because HURR DURR LUNA.
    I know there are people that legitimately like Luna, and that's okay.
    But ever since EqD kinda raised the idea that Luna always wins polls, she now actually does because people vote anything remotely Luna related, even if they actually think otherwise. In other words, they go HURR DURR LUNA.

  • JM1980 - 11 years ago

    I own and have read all the Micro Series books and I can honestly say that Luna's is #1.
    Twilight's is a very close #2 followed by Rarity's at #3.
    Rather then continue down the line (BECAUSE IT GETS HARDER TO CHOOSE) I want to mention the book I feel was the worst. When I say worst, it doesn't mean it was awful, it means it didn't deliver what I was expecting. If you haven't figured out which one I'm talking about, It's Rainbow Dash's book.
    DON"T GET ME WRONG, I THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY!!!! But that's the problem. It was only okay.
    To this day I still can't pinpoint WHAT makes this book my least fav! I just hope the writers can keep me hooked. (BECAUSE I'm HOOKED........BIG TIME!!!)

  • Valeth - 11 years ago

    OK I just read Luna's micro and it's hilarious. Almost every page had me rollin. Rarity was my top micro, but I gotta give my vote to Luna and "Tibbles" Luna's new pet possum. Also I don't mean to be an ass, but this poll is stupid looking. How the hell does Rainbow Dash get more votes than every other pony excluding Luna and Rarity who have the most votes. I get the feeling this poll is more for the pony and not the comic about said pony.

  • Goblin Scribe - 11 years ago

    Having read Luna's, it's my new favorite, but...holy crap. This is one of the worst-executed polls ever on this site if Rainbow Dash's, which is pretty much despised for terrible writing and confusing-as-heck pacing, is beating so many actually good comics.

    Why wasn't a "Don't read the comics" or "Don't read the comics, but Luna" option presented?

  • Valeth - 11 years ago

    Twilight's micro was ok, Rainbow's was garbage, Rarity's is my favorite so far, Fluttershy's was ok, Loved Pinkie Pie's micro with the clown, Applejack's was ok, CMC was cool with the mimicker creature, Celestia's was nice (I love how she trolled all the ponies into voting to keep the old teacher on the job), I like Spike but his comic bore the snot out of me, and finally Luna who I will reserve judgment for because I haven't read her micro yet. I like Luna just as much as her ridiculously huge following of Lunar Republicans, but if her micro sucks I'll say it sucks. (But not Luna, she's awesome!)

  • DaftMink - 11 years ago

    01. Twilight Sparkle - Mean Librarian
    02. Rainbow Dash - Gremlin Cloud
    03. Rarity - Forced Farm Labor
    04. Fluttershy - Knitting Art Show
    05. Pinkie Pie - Circus Clown Quits
    06. Applejack - Sass Squash Thief
    07. Cutie Mark Crusaders - Shape Shifter
    08. Princess Celestia - Dinner Party
    09. Spike - Sea People
    10. Princess Luna - Luna's Day Shift

    Liked Luna's the most, hope her opossum pet shows up in the 4th season.
    Bit surprised more people didn't vote for Pinkie's Comic, I thought it was decent.

  • Foxtrack - 11 years ago

    I've read and re-read all of the micros, and I loved Luna's the most. Second best was Celestia's for me. Over all, I enjoyed all the comics, but for me, Luna just came out better.

  • Jace - 11 years ago

    How typical. The overrated ponies wins. Yet another proof it's a common popularity poll, not the comics themselves.

  • Armsci - 11 years ago

    Luna comic was good, but at best it is third best comic in the series, next to Rarity and CMC.

    And luna is of course winning by landslide ^^;

  • Swift - 11 years ago

    I hate about 63% of the people who voted on this poll.

  • Poop - 11 years ago

    How 'bout a "I don't read the comics" option!

  • Aponymous - 11 years ago

    Oh look, Luna's winning. What a fucking surprise.

  • Kara - 11 years ago

    The poll stinks.

  • DiscoDancing - 11 years ago

    I have only read micros #1-6, so I can't vote Luna this time, even though what I've seen of it is fantastic.

  • ender1200 - 11 years ago

    Despite this poll having Luna in it, i had to go and vote rarity this time around. Don't get me wrong the Luna micro is awesome and easily the second best micro series comic, rarity's is just a bit better.

  • PrincessOfTheNight - 11 years ago

    When in doubt, vote LUNA.

  • Silvadel - 11 years ago


    -- and Luna won that poll.

    It is a meme that Luna will win any poll here.

  • Princess Luna - 11 years ago

    Waaah, everyone's voting for Luna even if they never read the comics waaaah unfair poll waaah overrated character.
    Get over it. You're in the very vocal minority if you don't like Luna at least a little bit. The final micro was available online Tuesday night/Wednesday morning if you knew where to look for it. I, for one, have been waiting a long time for this issue- so I read it the second it was possible to.

  • pepperpunk - 11 years ago

    Needs a "Haven't actually read them all, but want to vote Luna because Luna." option. :P

  • Swashbucklist - 11 years ago

    From what I heard about Spike's arc, he deserves better than what the writers gave him. There is so fckng much potential there, and they just use him for slapstick and unflattering shenanigans.

  • Peshmelba - 11 years ago

    Luna is in a poll ?
    Right, no need to continue, the result is already set.

  • ArrJaySketch - 11 years ago

    This was a really hard choice between Rarity and Luna. I mean, I voted for Luna, but the Rarity micro was FANTASTIC! Both were so good!

  • Charity - 11 years ago

    How is Applejack so low on the results? She had the best one. The worst ones was Luna, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash yet they have more votes? Looks like this is yet another favorite pony poll so it doesn't count. Rarity and Rainbow Dash are my favorite ponies, but their micros sucked.

  • A J C - 11 years ago

    Luna is a bit overrated but its hard not to like her.(not to mention her micro was really good)
    I liked all of them They all would of made great episodes...
    Except for Rainbow dashes comic,that one was like the stuff Linkara rips apart in A.T.T.F.W in comparison to the other micros. really disappointing.

  • Mojo - 11 years ago

    Seriously Luna's comic was funny but it was really just more a series of gags than anything else, Rarity's had a an actual story to it, so did the CMC.

  • Phoenix Kitten - 11 years ago

    Luna is way too overrated. And as much as it pains me to say this,because Rarity is my 2nd favorite of the mane 6,if Luna's not on a poll,Rarity's only going to win because Luna share's her voice actress.
    I've read 7 of the 10 micro's and imo,Dash's was an absolute mess,you couldn't tell what was going on half the time.
    Shy's was.... odd,but enjoyable.
    Twilight's was a bit of a snore fest,which was kinda disappointing as she's my favorite of the mane 6
    Rarity's was....okay,it actually had character building and that's always a good thing.
    Pinkie's was too predictable,not bad,but kinda boring if you got the reference.
    Applejack gets the pick of the mane 6 for me,her story was highly enjoyable and quite funny.
    The CMC get my pick for best comic though,I thought their story was good,well told and the lesson at the end was well earned.

  • Jocuro - 11 years ago

    Okay, let's come clean. How many of you haven't even read the comics but picked Luna anyways? Seriously. It's always a competition for second place with her.

  • InkblotEventide - 11 years ago

    I'm not surprised Luna is winning, but I did not vote for her even though I adore her as I have yet to read her micro yet. So, I voted for Rarity, as she was my Favourite out of those I have read, with AJ in close second.

  • Stereotypical Brony - 11 years ago

    Despite my disliking of Rarity, (worst of the mane 6 imho) I really liked her micro comic. I'd place it 2nd only behind Luna's. Yes, she is my favorite pony, and yes, I've read the comic. I genuinely feel like hers was the best. RD is my favorite out of the mane 6 and her comic is easily the worst one. Not a biased answer, just an honest opinion.

  • Azure Blaze - 11 years ago

    Didn't EQD already done a poll to prove that every time Luna is in a poll she gets chosen the most no matter what. In order for their polls to be more successful they will probably have to leave her out.

  • shadow pony - 11 years ago

    no surprise Luna is winning, she best princess after all.

  • jim61773 - 11 years ago

    I haven't read the Luna comic yet, so I'm wondering if this is the Luna Tics at work again.

    I thought the Rarity comic was awesome, if only for the fashionista meets hippie commune vibe it had.

  • Altherix - 11 years ago

    Rarity's was good but heavily in the cliche area and I hate when anything retreads an old idea.

    A lot of them were OK, Fluttershy's although considered low I liked a lot.

    Luna's, I was excited for when it was announced, I counted the days down to its release, I ordered physical copies (Be the first one I'm serious about obtaining all the covers in physical form) and I bought a digital version as soon as it went live. Although it has a sprinkling of the cliche plot in it, they altered it enough and gave Luna more character which is always a good thing in my book.

    I am not one bit disappointed that I obtained it early.

    So yeah, Luna wins it.

  • Rockpath5 - 11 years ago

    Needs a "haven't read all of them choice" I haven't read the Luna one yet. Of course it's just a pony popularity contest. There is no other way RD's horrible comic is beating Spike's solid comic.

  • IfOnlyMyNameWasNotLuna - 11 years ago

    Rarity's micro was BORING! How the heck did it get so many votes?

    I haven't read the Luna one yet, but I think she's overrated. I'm really bothered I share my name with her. :(

    I voted Celestia! It was hard to choose between her and Applejack because I like theirs equal, but after seeing the results I wish I voted AJ instead.

  • Mojo - 11 years ago

    Rarity's was easily the best, also disgusted to see Rainbow so high when it was a piece of fucking trash (and CMC so low, the CMC Micro was GREAT and had fantastic art)

    And I doubt most of the people voting for Luna have even read her micro yet, it's just her usual fanboy cult.

  • Chad - 11 years ago

    If money was really all they were after, I don't know why Hasbro hasn't made the Luna spin-off yet.

  • SpeedBoost - 11 years ago

    ugh! why do I even care to vote anymore.

  • Chance - 11 years ago

    Yay! The Lunatics have something to click on!

  • D3Lowell - 11 years ago

    Is this poll even necessary?

    Whenever Luna is in a poll, she automatically wins. =P

  • Goblin Scribe - 11 years ago

    Okay, looks like my initial interpretation was wrong, because this poll has officially become Best Pony. I mean, I flipping ADORED Fluttershy's comic and even I know it wasn't very popular. The only way she's winning is her fanboys going, "FLUTTERSHY IS BEST PONY" and voting without even reading the comic.

    The comic does rule, though. It's so creative and cute, just like a Fluttershy comic should be, and really gives her some neat development. Moral's nice, too.

  • Celine - 11 years ago

    Fluttershy and Rarity's were boring. In Rarity's case especially I hate to say it since she is first in my top 3 list. Luna and Celestia's were pretty good, I'll tie them for third place. My favorites were Applejack and Pinkie Pie's. But I'm definitely going with Applejack's this time, she's my second favorite pony but AJ's micro was still better than Rares. I was disappointed with Rainbow Dash's, maybe my hopes were too high.

  • Goblin Scribe - 11 years ago

    Seriously? People liked the Rainbow Dash comic? I was just thinking today, "Holy crap, that was the worst comic in this entire series. So much worse than Pinkie Pie's, which, while not super great, definitely wasn't at all bad.

    Me, my favorite was Fluttershy's because it tried to be different. Haven't read the Luna comic yet, and y'know what? I bet 3/4s of the people voting for it haven't, either.

  • Rainbow Dash - 11 years ago

    Oh look, another best pony poll.

  • LunaKrista - 11 years ago

    The only one I really liked was Applejack's, the others was meh.

  • Bronicus - 11 years ago

    xD No one likes spike...

  • Jorge - 11 years ago

    Goo! Luna!

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