What do you think of the Browns' decision to fire Rob Chudzinski?


  • Brad Snyder - 11 years ago

    The problem is the management not Chud , What needs to be done is that Banner needs to go and Jimmy Haslem, PLEASE SELL THE TEAM because you have lost all credibility in Cleveland and in the business community .As life long Browns Fan you are a disgrace to Cleveland Jimmy Haslem

  • SANDY - 11 years ago


  • John - 11 years ago

    I don't think giving Chud the boot was the best option. This team has had way........ too much transition with head coaches and quarter backs etc. We need to have some consistency on the field. We are just a few players away from being a decent team. Why change the captain now?
    Just my thoughts.

  • pam - 11 years ago

    How can you fire a good coach when he doesnt have all the tool for the job. Its like firing the Heating man for not fixing your heater when he doesnt have the correct tool. WE NEED A NEW QUARTERBACK...GET RID OF WHEEDAN HE'S AN IDIOT. We need new player not a new coach. I thought that with a new owner our Browns would be better but I guess not.
    BUY SOME NEW PLAYERS FOR THE COACH TO WORK WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    Wondering if the Browns have Norv Turner in mind as naming him their new head coach.

  • Roz - 11 years ago

    The problem is not the Coaches that the Browns Hire, it is the Quarterbacks that they recruit. If the Browns would invest in a" Veteran QB"... that would take charge of the players on the field, they would win more games. It is as simple as that..I don't know why they cannot see that.. They have excellent players just not a Take Charge QB.. but this is just my opinion, what do I know smh...

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