How bad is it going to be?


  • Melissa - 11 years ago

    Don't drink out of a straw until you are COMPLETELY healed!!!!
    Good luck :)

  • Geraldine - 11 years ago

    I got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled the 17 of last month. I was sooo scared! my friends would tell me that it hurt like hell and that it was the worst pain EVER!!!!! they told me that they would put me to sleep completely. that calmed me down and worried me because I was scared I wasn't going to wake up haha. the day came I was so nervous. (they say not to take any pills before because that can cause more blood to come out) anyway, they put the laughing mask on which made me kind of giggle and then the dentist said "ok here come the margaritas!!" (that reminded me of today in the morning with the big ol margarita lol. he calls it that because that's when you start to knock out lol) that's when they injected the thing that puts you to sleep. I didn't feel ANYTHING! I felt like I was in a roller coaster for 5 min and then I woke up. I was all drugged didn't feel anything. I did bleed which was normal. no pain. it wasn't till the 5th day where I felt a little pain in ONE area from all four, but it was nothing!! you will be FINE! just eat everything you want before because you wont be able to have anything and you will crave the food like me haha.. GOODLUCK!!! :)

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