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Will AAP government’s anti-corruption helpline act as a deterrent against graft?


  • sri - 11 years ago

    A very good beginning of a mini revolution that will soon to become a huge storm against corruption.
    What Cong could not do in 15 years AAP has done it in 15 days. Amazing performance.
    I would say this is the first true pro-people govt that we as Indians should be proud of.
    We all should wish this govt a huge success in this pilot (Delhi) exercise and very soon throughout India.
    By providing shelter to homeless in this harsh winter days AAP govt has shown that govt can also be sensitive to the bottom most level of people. Kudos to AK -7 team!!!

  • subrata das - 11 years ago

  • DR. MOHAN DAN - 11 years ago

    call attending and response management should in direct hand of ACB

  • Dr. Yuvraj Sambhy - 11 years ago

    Good step and now we have to have patience for results. We Indians normally wish to see immediate results and for this anti corruption movement, we should give several years time for AAP. Make no mistake, all corruption bogie will fight tooth and nail to make AAP a failure. Let us give AAP full 5 years and improve upon mistakes/systems. Bad habbits die hard! I have no idea how corrupt officials would react if he does not get his "other income" daily what he used to get. All corrupt officials should be shown door sooner than later.

  • L Bhadrapati Devi - 11 years ago

    The step and intention of AAP for curving corruption is very good. They are just following the step of BJP government of Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Rajashtahn. Since the above three states government has already command majority and has political will and stand, their helpline can check corruption in their states. In case of AAP, it is just a cheap publicity to get media attention. The AAP first target for corruption is Congress Ministers and MLA of the previous government. But, their tongue has been tight by Congress under the condition if outside support. Moreover, their ministers can't rein the bereaucrate officers because they governemnt official know the short live of AAP government. They may not even honour the Minister and Chief Minister. The AAP is just blowing the ballon beyond their capacity. Their activity is only in front of media; no real action is expected from AAP. Everything said and promise by AAP has found to be U turn. Weak and immature leaders from AAP may lower the image of our leaders in the country. So, anti-corruption movement of Team Anna is the genuine and legitimate movement for sensitizing government and public the threat of corruption. Participating in the play to get power itself is the room for polluting the ideal of anti-corruption movement.

  • G C PRADHAN - 11 years ago

    Corruption in India is deep rooted and it is since indepedaence. When Gandhiji, Subhas, Lalbahadur Shastry,Sardar Patel and few others were telling truth from their heart, others were tactful and managing the Indian mass with sweet words and extracting benefit for themselves and for their kith and kin. Those kith and kin are very clever citizens of India and want maximum benefit for their comfort and they are today in Indian politics. These politicians are really corrupt and unless they are blocked to come to fore front till decision taking level ,no corruption can be wiped out. AAP is the right front. They should get full support.
    Actually what Anna says, first they should set right Delhi .In governance ,out right and straight forward deliberation will harm the party.They should talk less and show the result. We the public desire so.Mr Kesriwal will get full public support. Mr Kumar Viswas should not be sentimental and talk on mythology .
    They should scrutinize all complains and take slow actions.Putting every body behind the bar may aggravate and lead to other problems.
    With the best wishes.

  • arbab - 11 years ago

    i think its a good step, but its not the only solution, govt has to take more such measures, but nobody has a magic wand, it will take time.

  • Somesh Ganguly - 11 years ago

    This is not so surprising .India is the world`s most corrupt country.Corruption is not new in India.Recently due to international pressure, Swiss government agreed to disclose the names of the account holders only if the respective government formally asked for it.

    Black money in Swiss banks details bank deposits in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of following countries:

    Top five
    India—- $1,456 billion
    Russia —$ 470 billion
    UK ——-$390 billion
    Ukraine – $100 billion
    China —–$ 96 billion

    India has more money in Swiss bank than all the other countries combined.Second best Russia has 4 times lesser deposit. US is not even there in the counting in top five.

    Some 80,000 people travel to Switzerland every year, of whom 25,000 travel very frequently.“Obviously, these people won’t be tourists.

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