Should chicken owners be allowed to kill a dog that attacks their flocks?

1 Comment

  • Caryn Self-Sullivan - 11 years ago

    Chicken owners are already allowed to kill a dog that attacks their flock. The issue in question is related to the new phenomenon of urban chicken owners, right? So, should chicken owners in an urban or suburban area be allowed to kill a dog that attacks their flock? Under what conditions? Using what method? A gun? Can a gun be legally discharged in an urban or suburban area? Where are the dogs coming from? The issue may be more related to free-ranging dogs in urban areas, which is already prohibited in most communities. Why not deal with the dog as you would any other dog found wandering the neighborhood? If you can kill a dog that attacks your chickens, can you also kill a dog that chases your cat? Or just enters your yard? Should chicken coops by fenced off (like an arboretum) so that the hens cannot escape the keeper's yard? And dogs cannot enter the arboretum? If the chicken comes into my yard and my dog kills it, can my neighbor kill my dog?

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