What was the signature achievement of Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis?


  • andrew - 11 years ago

    Is that you Alan Halberstadt?

  • Alan - 11 years ago

    Hey Captain,

    115 people voted "other", and there was a space to include their pencilled in "achievement".
    Why not share some of these with your readers?
    The legacy of Eddie Francis will always include the sickening kid glove treatment he go from the Windsor Star, despite the fact that he misled and deceived his entire time in office. His tenure is a victory for perception trumping reality, and he could not have done it without the assistance of the Star and CKLW.
    Yay Journalism! When the chickens come home to roost, which they surely will, I hope you are still around to stammer out your excuses.

  • Tom Dean - 11 years ago

    I see there's no option for 'wasting taxpayer's money on legacy projects'. That's the one I chose.

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