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Should Kanye Have Gone Down There And Hit That Guy?

Total Votes: 67

  • Da Kc Stork - 11 years ago

    That picture of him coming out of the office look like some Jack Reacher type shit. I hope he hit that suma bitch with every thing in the fucking office. I hope the bottom of those Tims were put to use. I don't give a shit if you got 0 dollars in the bank or all the Money in the world in the Bank, people have to know you can't talk to persons spouse this way, and not get the gravity challenge. Matter of fact don't talk to any of the women in family this way. Let me add 5 yeses to this vote.

  • Chuck Spears - 11 years ago

    Say what you want about white privilege, young was looking for a payday. You know Kanye is volatile and has got no sense. If you can instigate Kanye into giving you an ass-whooping, go for it. Get that money young man.

    Kanye should not have hit the dude, Kanye has too much to lose to go buckwild like this. He should learn from Snoop, P. Diddy and others and get a body guard to handle his light work.

  • Animaine Sparkster - 11 years ago

    While I don't recommend violence, I think douchebag dickfaces like this guy get what's coming to them. You can't hurl every slur in the book at someone and not expect some type of clap back. And when the target of a verbal onslaught is your significant other, it's really does fall on you to respond. Not necessarily with violence, but some sort of retaliation is necessary.

  • Mudrow - 11 years ago

    You gotta to see that guy. *singing* Man, now I got to go prove my love.

  • Anthony "Animal Thug" Tatum - 11 years ago

    Some people just think that their "Internet muscles" can carry into the real world. Growing up that dude who ran his mouth too much recklessly was the dude who got beat up every summer. I guess can Kanye proved "If I knew what I knew in the past I would have been blacked out on your ass"

  • PrinceLeron - 11 years ago

    This Kanye shit was bound 2 happen at some point. The interesting part is how certain people hesitate to call the 18 yr old a man. All the people here at school thinks he said that shit but makes sure to refer to him as a kid. That dude probably has called Kim a Nigger lover and a slut many times before and didn't see it as a big deal to say it to her in real life. The media makes it a point that Kim Kardashian is not to be respected. Kanye really didn't have a choice. Any man would have been outraged if this happened to the woman they love. Even Drake would have thrown a bottle or sent a bodyguard.

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