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We use a shared development repository because.

Total Votes: 11
1 Comment

  • Dave Willford - 11 years ago

    We do use a shared development environment with a shared repository. We don't have many Uniface developers so the "trust" level is pretty high. Our deployment process becomes our code version control in a way. Developers specifiy which Uniface components they want deployed. The deploy process exports from the develpment code line and imports into our test code line. Once testing is approved the process will import into our production code line. We persist and keep all deployments that made it's way to production. If we ever need to revert to a production version we find the deployment item and import into our development code line.

    Not a perfect process, but has worked for us for the last 15 years with few issues and very little overhead.

    Dave Willford
    Development Team Supervisor
    Minnesota State Colleges and Universities - Minnesota USA

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