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Do you have trouble with odors from your RV tanks?


  • Julie jarrett - 10 years ago

    We are full timers in Texas. We leave our black tank open as we were emptying it every 10 days. We flush it regularly with a 1/2 gal of water mixed with Chemical odor stopper and Calgon. No problems or odors in 6 months.

  • Joanne Alexakis - 11 years ago

    Sometimes in hot, hot weather or when the tank get really full, the black water will stink. Also, our tank vent is 'strategically placed' right next to the air conditioner, so when the air is on it can blow in some choice odors. We use lots of tank deodorant (3X the normal suggested amount) to satisfy.

  • Karen Stanley - 11 years ago

    Odors occur more in the summer than winter. I live in Florida year round as my husband has not yet retired, we have been full-timers 2 years and counting.

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