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Do you believe in demons?

Total Votes: 21,514

  • Grant Miller - 7 years ago

    If true..... wow! But why would they stay in the house after the 1st few incidents? Why is there no video to support any of the supposed incidents? And why was the house demolished, so nobody else could verify or debunk the accusations? The report sounded pretty authentic, but could've been easily altered by the writers of this story.

  • oly - 7 years ago

    That little poll demonstrates (haha) why demoncracy sucks. If there really WERE demons, 70% of you would have been suckered into getting possessed because you're that effing gullible. They'd take over popular music or TV and just mind warp you that way. Or they'd hide in the donuts you eat and soda you drink and go harass your pancreas until you get the die-uh-beat-us.
    That priest was helping her get over her delusions so she'd stop warping her children. It was a magic feather for Dumbo to convince him he could fly.

  • Beenthere Donethat - 7 years ago

    I don't like most of the Catholic church's teachings, but I do have to give them kudos for realizing there is a devil, with demons, who do control and even possess victims. I don't believe in their method of exorcism, with holy water, crucifixes, and other icons, but at least they do understand that people can be possessed by demons. So many churches today are totally blind to the devil and his practices.

    I never thought I'd see what I have of the devil in my life. I thought he stayed in the shadows. But with America abandoning God and embracing Harry Potter he can come out of the shadows. You will see more and more of the devil in the coming days, trust me!

  • Evelyn - 8 years ago

    I do believe in 'demons', but I believe they look human, not with horns or anything. I also believe that we are more powerful than they are by default, and they can't possess anyone without their permission, by consent or by lifestyle choices. They can bother you, or 'haunt' you, but the Lord is lord of all, and even evil spirits are subject to obey Him, so I'm always skeptical about the fact that it takes multiple exorcisms (Which I am skeptical about in the first place. I think they are completely hokey) to get them to leave.
    I've found that in my own experience and in the experience of others I know personally, those who are dealing with demonic entities long term are people who are inviting them in and letting them have control.
    I believe this is all really rare, and you don't have anything to worry about if you are minding your own business, living a good life, not getting involved with weird rituals that are supposed to 'protect you from satan' (besides saying a prayer or giving a blessing. The whole house cleansing with herb smoke and salt is what is really silly). Don't give them power and they won't have any.

  • gill - 9 years ago

    I have in my relatively short lifetime and limited education have come to these proofs (proofs to myself only):
    1. There is a Creator God (you can see it in the design, and order of things)
    2. There are a lot of events told in the Bible that weren't known until of late (Egypt, The Exodus, The Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sini, Sodom & Gomorrah, Giant/Hybrid humans, Noah's Flood.)
    3. Prophecies of the Bible (The linage of David would continue-look at the country of Ethiopia where the Monarchy still exists along with the Ark of the Covenant, and Genetic representatives of the 12 tribes of Israel), The prophecy of Japeth expanding his borders (hello White America, look at the Native American, you stole their land), That the children of Israel would go into a similar slavery as their parents did in Egypt (anybody want to discuss the slave trade, or heck just the symbols of this nation come from Egypt). Lets try the prophecy of those that call them selves a people by a certain name, but are not, (this was written around 2000 years ago, and is verifiable both historically and genetically).
    4. Devils, Demons and possession....Has anybody taken a look at the American society today. You almost need to carry a Glock to the bathroom just in case of a home invasion. Lets not discuss the murder, rape, theft, pedophilia, and other nasty things people do that should have remained one's own private matters.
    5. The prophecy of this nation. Richard Coombes wrote a book called America the Babylon, Alan Bonck wrote a book called America the Daughter of Babylon. You can read the material and see exactly what is about to unfold. (but of course the inhabitants of Sodom & Gomorrah didn't listen to Lot either)

    So, did this happen, most likely yes. As time goes on things will get worst before they get better, they could get better if people wanted them too, but people love filth, and filth is what these beings thrive on. If they can find a weakness (children are very impressionable, this is why you need to guard them physically and mentally) they will exploit it. All I can say is those who say ah- bull....well wait your turn, its coming.

  • Ba'al Zebub - 9 years ago

    No self-respecting minion of the Dark Lord would be caught dead in Gary, IN.

  • Christopher - 9 years ago

    Where are the pics and videos? This was going on for a quite a bit wasn't it? There are zero pictures or videos of any of these unbelievable events occurring. I mean, damn Someone starts to walk up a wall I'm taking out my phone video taping that shit. Do you realize how many people would convert if they saw a 9 year old boy walk up a wall and then flip over staying on the wall? I call Bs on this whole story.

  • brandy - 9 years ago

    It Angers me so much that DCFS took this woman's kids. Like the family hadn't endured enough. Do you have ANY idea what goes on with these children when they are a ward of the state? I used to live in Gary and was a ward of the state at Mears House in Highland, IN (no longer there, there's a Walgreens there now). Oh my blood pressure is rrrrrrrrr. I am sorry for what this family had to endure and only pray for you and your children that these demons leave you and your children at peace.

  • Jason - 9 years ago

    People are not this stupid are they? The picture taken at this house with the ghost in the window is a Ghost Phone APP! Millions have used it! Wake up from your slumber of dumbass! Stop watching this ghost tv shows, boycott this crap. The world is a better place without this fake garbage!

  • seth - 10 years ago

    If someone starts quoting the bible, I immediately stop reading. The bible? You believe in Noah's Ark, and a talking snake, and being made from a rib? Cool. You must be really intelligent. "But the bible SAYS, the Bible says in Matthew, or John, or Luke, or blah blah blah. I already know that if you use quotes from the Bible as any kind of validation or rationale for your beliefs or arguments you are trying to make; I already know you are a fucking moron. How do I know this? Let me just use this analogy: let's say instead of debating whether demons, god, or spirits' exist; that we were debating whether Santa Claus exists. Granted, everyone knows that Santa Claus does NOT exist, but for arguments sake...follow me? Alright. What if the tables were turned, and it were YOU trying to convince me that Santa Claus does not exists. I mean you know for a fact and have evidence that Santa does not exists. FUCKING STUPID would I sound if I said to you, "well, OBVIOUSLY you haven't read the book of all the Elves. For if you read, Green Hat Elf, verse 10, it clearly says: "For Santa and his sled visited the roofs of man, and gave gifts to all the good girls and boys". Here' my point. If I don't believe in God, or jesus, or ghosts, or goblins, or any of that shit, THEN I'M NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THE BIBLE EITHER MORON. So quit quoting it to make your point. The only point it makes is that you probably suck at convincing anyone of ANYTHING because you are BAD at it.

  • Katherine C-J - 10 years ago

    I am an athiest and stubborn at that.

    I believe in spirits / demons due to experience.
    Spirits because I like to believe my incredible dad whom passed away in September is still with me and my boys watching over us.

    Demons because of an experience I had. Nothing as crazy as this one but still an experience.

    My partner and I where staying in his grandma's house. A house known for commotion from spirits. As children his dad and his dad's siblings experienced weird things. Such as when the baby of the family would cry their mum would walk into the room to see the cradle rocking. The middle child had her hair brushed by something (that one I find difficult to understand) and the eldest child (my other halfs dad) woke up to see his electric car toy on the walls of the hallway. (that one everyone witnesed)

    Anywho, my story now. When I started dating my partner we would sleep in the loungeroom, the curtain between the lounge and hallway would often open with no breeze and you'd always feel like you where being watched.

    When I fell pregnant with our first child we stayed in his old room at his Grandma's. Near midnight I woke up to hear footsteps up on down the hall on a wooden floor. The wood had been covered with carpet for year's.
    Anyway most nights I would wake up to the walking up the hallway. Each time she would stop as a door as if to check in on sleeping children. That was fine, I became used to it.

    For a few nighs in December we had to house sit- I'd have been around 22 weeks pregnant at this point. I woke up to the guns clashing in the loungeroom. We were staying in her bedroom at the end of the hall with the door wide open. Since I froze in shock of what was happening and almost questioned if it was real I lay straight as a plank of wood afraid it would know that I was awake. I then heard a heavy dragging up the hall. What I explain as step step drag step step drag. Dragging something really heavy. Still frozen I managed to hit my other half telling him to wake up. We then had footsteps circling the bed the door was wide open so the hallway light was on and we could see clearly. We at the same time sat up straight to look around- and with fear. The footsteps continued for another 30 seconds or so then stopped. Nothing happened for the rest of the night and we have only stayed there once since. That time I was pregnant with our second child and our eldest was around 2. We stayed in the loungeroom and at around 8 we where trying to get him to sleep. He suddenly started giggling and pointing at the roof following something with his eyes. He then jumped up and started laughing while chasing something.

    Now, the family have investigated the houses history and found that a man had killed his wife and hung her in that bedroom as a fake suicide.
    I believe it was him that scared myself and my partner and that it was possibly her he was dragging. And I think she is the one that plays with kids.
    I found out this history after my experiences.

    Question me all you'd like, I know what happened and considering myself and my other half talk about it now, we obviously weren't asleep.

  • tierra - 10 years ago

    I always believed in demons and ghost, but this story in particular i believe more just because she's black. You can say many negative things about black people if you want, but you can't deny that blacks in America tends to stay away from going ghost hunting and things like that which is why I believe her and the family. Another thing family service isn't just going to drop the case because you moved from your old house, If they felt the mother was abusing them they would've kept the kids in custody and even after her saying that she was fine they wouldn't had gave them back to her, so something had to happen for them to give a woman back her child when they all said that she was crazy.

  • cubequeen - 10 years ago

    Sounds to me like a setup for another Amityville Horror-type movie, which is now known to have been a hoax.

  • Lor - 10 years ago

    Isn't is amazing that in an age where millions of people have cameras in their phones, in an age where it's become common to have multiple user-shot videos and images of disasters and fights from every possible angle, that there's never any video of the fantastical claims and feats associated with demonic possession or alien abduction?

    No kids walking on walls, no alien craft other than random lights (apparently aliens are too stupid to turn those off), no credible ghosts or demons, nothing. Just tons of generic stories and the odd picture of a dust mote in the air.

  • John Muir - 10 years ago

    Yes, I do believe in demons. But I also believe and know, that Jesus is Lord - and that He defeated satan and all his demons at Calvary. Jesus is risen from the dead, and is now seated far above all the forces of satan and his demons. Jesus has absolute authority over satan and his demons. Jesus is Lord and King - and those of us who believe in Him and have given our lives to Him have absolutely nothing to fear. We are seated with Christ in heaven already (Eph. 1:20; 2:6-7), Jesus Christ is Lord! He is the Victor - and we have the victory in Him. Amen!

  • David Moncoeur - 10 years ago

    I do believe in abduction by alien beings, & wondered if that might be what this fundamentally was interesting that the 7-year-old child asked about space travel & maths questions, made me think I'm probably hypnoregress him would be interesting.

    But I don't believe in possession as per the opinion of Ammons, she is trying to pigeon-hole High Strangeness as per Linda Howe & such like.

  • nate - 10 years ago

    demons are real. i watched a lot of horror movies when i was a kid then developed social anxiety. i would get a sickly fear feeling inside at the worst possible times. then i got 'fear of the fear'. still i managed to deal with it and was mostly successful, married, etc. but i struggled with drug addiction, medication and the fear would never leave me. shortly after i turned my life to Christ (that is a long story), the fear started getting bigger. people had prayed for me many times that the demon would leave me but the fear was always there. sometimes it would seem to go away for a while but then it would come back. it started coming back and i was practically unable to go to church. i prayed to Jesus to remove the roots of my fear.

    the next morning i woke up and opened the bible. it was a scripture giving an order of neither man or beast to eat or drink water. i knew it was from god telling me to fast but i did not know why. i fasted the food and water and laid around reading the bible. by around 3PM or so i felt like a wind was blowing through me. it was like someone had a spiritual blowtorch over me but it was not painful just a feeling that something was happening. i asked the lord why i was fasting and he said "for your anxiety". i asked how long i would have to fast and he said "why do you feel bad?" the answer was no i felt OK. a few hours later he told me "the fear is gone". i thought about church and indeed i did not feel that sickly fear feeling - it had left me. then he told me "it was a spirit of fear, from watching horror movies when you were young". this spirit stayed with me even after i was saved and even through many times of people laying hands on me praying.

    since then i still have residual fears and things i have to walk through but that horrible sickly paralyzing feeling - probably like you would feel being locked in a dark basement with a monster - that feeling has left me and never returned.

    this really happened to me. i could tell you more but should just end that i am not religious. i do not fit in with most christians. i am an unbelievable sinner. i have been given everything in life yet been incredibly selfish, used all kinds of drugs, used and abused women, had all types of sick sexual experiences - even after accepting Jesus. Before I came to Christ i was convinced it was "jsut a story". but God had mercy on me in my condition and like Paul, he chose to reveal Himself to me in ways i would ahve to accept.

    yet even today i have moments of doubt. living in this world, satan is in charge here. his plan is to blind the world from the truth. but i challenge anyone that does not believe to pray a sincere prayer. tell God that you do not believe he exists and ask him to reveal himself to you if he does. i believe if you do this sincerely He will reveal himself.

    God is real and Jesus Christ is His Son.

  • Saratoga Brown - 10 years ago

    It is my hope that those who absolutely cannot accept the reality of unseen dark forces never have to confront their own beliefs by personal experience. It's (truly) enough to cause you to die of fright ... and then you could never tell others of the unbelievable things that can, and do, have power over a mere mortal. But by the slim chance you find yourself confronted, unable to control what is happening to you, in your very presence, please call upon the host of goodness that is out there to save your butt. You WILL need it!

  • Shelley Hermes - 10 years ago

    It's a free world, we all are entitled to believe what we want to believe. The facts are there & supported by people of integrity. To say that this family is hallucinating, crazy....psychologically's as they are being re-victimized. It is also dis-crediting the very people we do intrust our lives with. I wish I could say that this is false...made up crazy story. I wish I could say that there is no dark evil forces out there.... However, when there IS evidence presented...witnesses that testify in court for others legally bound.....that are mandated by the state to make decisions as to whether your child is safe or not...does tend to be as credible as it can get. The church that the Exorcisms were performed at, is a church I myself attended from Baptism (performed there) till an adult. I would like to say that from own personal experiences....EVP having been accidentally a house I myself was having problems's real. When there are hundred, thousands of cases that go back to the beginning of written time....we need to acknowledge that with the ultimate respect. Otherwise we are disrespecting the truth & those that it happened too. That in itself is evil & works against the light. Does it truly have to happen to you for you to believe it? Do you want to live in such a way? I say not. Respect what has happened here....these people suffered. They now have peace. I wish them continued peace...peace to all.

  • anthony - 10 years ago

    people that don't believe in Demons are clueless. If it hasn't happened to you why would you say they don't exist? I am not religious by any means other than being catholic, however I never went to church. Go tell Lorraine Warren that demons don't exist and see what happens.

  • Kavic - 10 years ago

    Evil does not come from God. He allows it for His purpose because we have free wil. He uses even the evil things in life to point us back to Him and His beloved, suffering Son, who is grieved even as I speak. God asks for our belief, our love for one another and duty to do His will.
    Im afraid for those who do not believe in Him and the price His Son made for all of us. There is going to fall on the world His Hand and it will be heavy. Don't wait for the end which could come at any time. It may be too late. Read the New King James Version of the Bible and Tim La Haye's wonderful books. These
    intelligent books will have you really thinking. It doesn't cost a thing to look into these books and the library may have them or can order them. God bless you. Kavic

  • Joseph - 10 years ago

    To people feel the same as Steve and Leslie-
    If you limit the acceptable 'evidence' to only material explainations, then yeah, you will never except the truth of what happened there. I think from reading this (and from the Hundreds of metaphysical experiences recorded throughout history, including some of the most rational minds ever like Kepler Newton etc up to my own born again experience I can't shake) I think there is more to life than meets the eye and you really aren't 100% convinced everything has a material explaination either I don't care what you said. That is why you are commenting this article.

  • Barbara Kvietkus - 10 years ago

    I certainly believe in demons or "fallen angels." Jesus certainly did and for those of us who read an
    "easy" Bible such as, The Nw King James Version, it tells us all about the demons. Get a Bibe Concordance for excellent help & Bible Gateway. com for more help. It's easy not to believe in this century as people have pushed God way out of their lives and the uninformed rely on some of the nonsense of the History channel, popular books and magazines that push Him way out by secularism and half-truths with people like Dan Brown, popular big mouths on t.v. who have no truth behind them and scoffers. God is using that exorcism to wake us up and believe because who of us can climb up a wall backwards? Pray to God and His Son and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. He will because He loves you and all of us and the unbelievers will face Him at the final judgement. Be careful to not believe. That is a sin unforgiveable by God.

  • steve - 10 years ago

    Laughing real hard over this. I can't believe that here in the year 2014 we still have people whom will follower and believe anything without a single piece of evidence for any of what is said. These people are either programmed so much so that they actually have been brainwashed to believe what they are saying or they are simply mentally ill and we have others seeing them as propaganda material. There is no scientific evidence for any of this fanciful story telling , NONE. Matter of fact there is more scientific evidence for it being a mental condition or brainwashing. I s tricks me that in the video all one sees laying around the house are artifact of religion. So by the very nature in which these people speak with god and other religious references that this is some propaganda machine at work for religious reasons. GET REAL

  • Leslie - 10 years ago

    This is a sad case of the effects religious hysteria can have on young, impressionable children. I don't think this woman was out to purposely harm her children but I think her conviction in the demon theory was causing them to react adversely. Her children were convinced they were being possessed by demons and had most likely heard someone describe how one would act if they were being possessed. They reacted accordingly. The fact that the youngest boy only showed characteristics of "possession" when he was being asked hard questions says that it was purely behavioral. It's sad.

  • Jarod H - 10 years ago

    Regardless of any natural, or unnatural undertones throughout this entire article, there is still a definitive lesson to be learned in regards to the real and conscious manifestation of demons in our society that threatens the very foundation of every single family throughout this entire country. The actions taken by the department of child services to unilaterally tear a family apart even after a multitude of reputable witnesses experienced validating proof, and psychologists reported "mental soundness" stands in testament as to the real "demons" which plague the safety and well-being of every single family in this country.

  • James A Wyatt - 10 years ago

    Anyone that is a Christian . . . And is NOT A CHRISTIAN IN NAME ONLY. . . Has NO Doubt that SATAN AND HIS MULTITUDE OF DEMONS most certainly exist; that fact repeatedly stated in Scripture in Our Triune God's Holy Bible.

  • karen eshcoff - 10 years ago

    A house my family and I lived in back in 1986 had to be Blessed by the Priest of my parish. I had been experiencing some terrifying nightmares for a couple of months. It got to the point where I was afraid to go to sleep. One night I had this dream and in it I was being suffocated, but the odd thing about this dream is that my eyes were open, and I was terrified, I called out Save me Jesus, Mary & Joseph please save me Jesus. I came to, I got out of bed and went downstairs, I slept the rest of the night on the couch. I had bought a very beautiful Brass and Wood Crucifix at a yard sale that summer, and it was hung on the wall at the top of our stairwell. In the middle of the night while me and my husband and our two small daughters were sleeping, we all awoke from the sound of a crashing noise. When we got up and turned on the hall light to see what was going on, we were shocked to see that the Crucifix was laying at the bottom of the stairwell on the floor. The screw that was in the wall holding the Crucifix up was intact, and after picking up the Crucifix from the floor the round screw in the back of the Crucifix was intact also. There was no reason nor explanation for this. I called my Priest the next afternoon, he came over that very evening and we had our home Blessed. The nightmares quit coming, and the Crucifix is still hanging with a crack down one side of the wood, but no more strange phenomenons have occurred involving me or my Crucifix. True Story.

  • wayne - 10 years ago

    I'm a believer , I have witnessed things in a house in 2009 that to be honest made this 6ft tall 260lbs army vet get the heck out of dodge ... Me and a buddy ran a lawn service in NW Arkansas for a high end homes on the market. Now keep in mind We both are army vets. I was a 12b combat engineer and he was a combat vet MP so your talking about guys who scare easy here . We went to a address of a house with a huge yard . the grass was 3 foot tall and it had small trees every 15 ft along the drive way . Not one blame of grass was living , Not one tree was green or even had leafs on them and we are talking summer time not winter here . So we unloaded the trailer around back of the house which was empty for over 1 year. we cut all the grass down and finished our out side work . we started to load up our equipment and noticed a door that was closed on the back porch when we started , was now open . We walked around the house thinking maybe some body came over and unlocked it while we where working but we found nothing or no one there . Now this was a very big , very nice 3 story house so we walked threw the house making sure it was all locked up . After checking ALL the doors , windows ect. ect. we went out the same back door we came in . I started up the truck and had to turn the truck and trailer around to get out of the back yard . After i got the truck and trailer turned around i started to pull away when my buddy yelled stop. I stopped the truck and said what then he pointed at the door I had just locked and pulled to myself , it was now standing wide open. We got out walked into the house calling out hello is some one here we searched every room upstairs ,down stairs, every where but no one was there . We decided to hang there and eat our lunch and see if anyone is playing a joke on us. So we sat there and watched but this time the door didnt open , the glass in the back door window started to crack as we watched from my truck only 10 feet away . you could see the crack start moving across the window in the door . it wasnt a fast deal, we watched it for like 3 mins as the crack slowly went from the left bottom side to the right top corner of the window. we took a picture of it with a cell phone then called the office that we were doing the job for to tell them 1) that the window was broken and 2) we would not be back there again . The owner of the company we were hired by said "your the 5th lawn service to quit the account this year bu the first to mow it in over a year". He said and I quote "That house has been sold 6 times in 5 years and each owner walks away after 6 mo tops and lets it go back to the bank. " to this day I have not been back to that house and neither has my buddy ...... people dont believe me either when i tell them what we saw , but I know what we saw that day and I know I wont ever go back to that house......

  • Rob Pickett - 10 years ago

    I just can't fathom that more than 75% of people believe in demons. Wow, I thought we were more rational than that.

  • Albertson - 10 years ago

    Peekineeze doesn't believe in that which is supported by a huge body of evidence? Apparently he believes that he is the pinnacle of creation, and his eyes alone, along with his feeble mind, can discern what does or does not exist. No doubt had he lived 600 years ago, he would have argued that the world was flat, because he couldn't see anything further than the horizon. Sometimes we enlightened humans (apparently 70%) are embarrassed by the arrogant, close-minded, narcissistic rantings of those like he with limited brain capacity. The good news is that when he gets embarrassed enough by being a human, and decides to end his temporary human existence, he will gain the enlightenment he rejected when he comes face to face with that which he so foolishly claims doesn't exist.

  • Spooky - 10 years ago


  • timmi - 10 years ago

    I find it hard to believe that a woman that works for the state would put something in her official report as crazy as the child walking up the wall backwards if it wasn't true.
    What does she have to gain from reporting something like that?
    Nothing at all, except for losing her job.
    I just don't see what she gets out of it, so from that stand point. You have to stop and think about what was documented and actually filed!

  • Harvdy Lain - 10 years ago

    It happened in Gary. That's all I needed to know.

  • Peekineeze - 10 years ago

    Almost 70% believe in demons? Sometimes I'm ashamed to be human. Gullible, simple minded, superstitious morons. That's just embarrassing.

  • Shawn - 10 years ago

    I recently took a class to prepare for missionary work. A few of the instructors talked about miracles and possession. One of them, who is one of the first missionaries that planted churches in Mongolia, said that he has seen things in real life that you could only imagine in horror movies. We as Americans have let money and power become what we believe in and the things that 'can't be real.' we laugh off. God keep blessing this family and put a wall of protection around them. And thank the Star for being bold enough to print this story and informing us. It's coming people whether you believe it or not.

  • Charles - 10 years ago

    Don't believe in demons. I think this story is all nonsense and the parties involved are just trying to get some attention so they could make money. Show me actual evidence of the events going on, not just "what someone has seen". Otherwise its just all superstitious nonsense.

  • Madcap76 - 10 years ago

    This is why Americans can't have nice things.

  • Wolfie - 10 years ago

    When does the book and movie come out?

  • Karen - 10 years ago

    Selena...May God be with you and bless and keep you safe, with an abundance of love in your heart, through all the days of your life. You are a very special young woman, who I believe is destined for great things in this world. I sincerely do! Belive in yourself, Believe God and his Angels are ALWAYS all around you, and NEVER lose your faith in him. He loves you!..Although we have never met, I feel as if I do know you somehow. I will keep you in my prayers today and ALWAYS. Whether you are aware of it or not. You have a beautiful spirit. May you always stay beautiful. In Jesus name...AMEN .

  • Selena - 10 years ago

    My name is Selena, and I'm a believer of God. I believe everything this woman said. I don't believe she would just lie about her children and seek help from others. When I was 12, I was having alot of problems in my life, and hardening my heart against everyone. Even God. I said He wasn't real, wasn't wanting to believe He was. I was very wrong for saying that. But, scary things started happening. One night, me and my cousin were sleeping in my room and we saw a figure of a man on my wall. I thought I was just seeing stuff, but Kaitlin had seen it too. This isn't all that happened, but just one of my experiences. As a child, I was not very good. I hallucinated many things, but the scariest image I saw was when I was sleeping in my room, and a man came to my bedroom door. He had on black, he was very big looking, and he was just standing there. I don't believe he was an intruder or he would've done something. I believe God and the devil are real, but the devil causes so much evil. But, God has saved me. I'm 16 years old now, and I'm happier than I've ever been. I can't and won't force anyone to believe me or believe what I believe, but I will pray for Mrs. Latoya Simmons, and her kids that they may find God, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. God cast their demons out by the name of Jesus Christ and save them Lord!! But, please, I just ask that no one will criticize me.

  • patrick blunt - 10 years ago

    we wrestle not with flesh and blood but a =against principalities and demons of darkness . AS their are angels of God their are demons too yet the blood of Jesus covers us for those who believe. Remember satin or his demons have to have a legal right to habituate .

  • Albertson - 10 years ago

    ...and wolfy throws his lot in with Gene Bell... ignoring the fact that policemen are trained to be, and considered to be the most reliable of witnesses... and completely discounting this story that occurred over a period of months, witnessed and studied by a dozen or so highly educated professionals who wrote reports immediately following their event involvement. Reports that any court of law would admit as evidence in a legal unbiased trial of fact. ...No doubt wolfy had to burn his hand on the stove before he would believe that flame is hot...

  • Bill - 10 years ago

    I most certainly believe in demons. The bible talks about Satan and his demons. That being said , I don't believe one word of this story. Satan has far too much to distract Americans with. Materialism, gaming, phones, etc. This story has all the earmarks of a big fat hoax. Hollywood calling yet?

  • Albertson - 10 years ago

    What is astonishing is that Gene Bell discounts outright all eyewitness testimony to the actual manifestations that are described in the article, only keying in on two clinical psycologists' reports who are trained to explain any deviant behavior within the narrow scope of their limited field. Gene, in his desire to appear intellectual and oh-so-much-smarter than the rest of us common folk, deems ' not sane' the sworn statements of police chiefs, officers of the law, registered nurses, and on-site Case Managers - not to mention chaplains and a priest - all of whom witnessed these events. In a court of law, all of these eyewitnesses would have been deemed highly credible - but not to Gene. Truly, he makes himself look the buffoon to those of us - apparently 70% - who understand the spiritual realm exists, with both good and evil, and we are all a part of it whether we choose to accept it or not. As someone who has been face-to-face with a demon who was tormenting a woman I knew, I will assure that they do exist, and take great pleasure in wreaking havoc in the creations of the light. And John you are right - while every christian denomination is good, when the heavy lifting is needed, call in the Catholic priest - even the non-denominational chaplains know that. Be spiritually educated, be spiritually aware, be part of the light, and you have nothing to fear.

  • wolfy - 10 years ago

    There is a reason why eyewitness testimony is the least reliable form of evidence. Even life events and places you remember with a lucid and sober mind turn out to be different from your memory. A bias towards applying supernatural origins and paranormal to these types of psychological problems coupled with the confusion and panic at not understanding what was happening and feeding the daughter with these kinds of explanations and thoughts really just turns this whole situation into a very very unfortunate case where somebody who needs help isnt getting it. Its quite sad to see that people think these types of "prayer healings" actually work. I'm not inclined to believe and accept some 3rd person account and compilation of events that has such extraordinary events without hard evidence, and in this case there would be a hell of a lot more than "eye witness" and policemen. Notice they so many times included policemen as if to add credibility. What makes a policeman any more credible in this situation? Overall its a fantastic piece of fiction, no doubt omitting details which would make it much more mundane and less extraordinary.

  • Ken - 10 years ago

    Sounds like another Reality TV show ready to start up. I will gladly enter the house if someone pays me for the gas and hotel to drive there. I will disprove it.

  • Gene Bell - 10 years ago

    " 'This appears to be an unfortunate and sad case of a child who has been induced into a delusional system perpetuated by his mother and potentially reinforced' by other relatives, she wrote in her psychological evaluation. Clinical psychologist Joel Schwartz, who evaluated Ammons' daughter and older son, came to a similar conclusion. 'There also appears to be a need to assess the extent to which (Ammons' daughter) may have been unduly influenced by her mother's concerns that the family was exposed to paranormal experiences,' Schwartz wrote." These seem to be some of the few sane statements made in this rather credulous article.

    That 2/3 of those responding to the poll believe in demons is quite disturbing. Granted, self-selection comes into play as those most likely to read the article are predisposed to believe. Any significant number is troubling. Those who already believed likely believe this story due to confirmation bias; however, I am most puzzled by the 5% who did not believe before the story, but now do. Talk about epistemic confusion! I could see holding final judgement in abeyance, but being persuaded to accept the improbable based upon a newspaper article and no physical evidence is astonishing.

  • John - 10 years ago

    When the you-know-what really hits the fan they call in the Catholics. That should tell you something.

  • Bobby - 10 years ago

    I am demon of level 35. I can walk backwards on walls, while sticking my tongue out and making hissing sounds at night. In case you are wondering, we do use the internet.

  • Ax2root - 10 years ago

    I believe IN Jesus The Christ. I know angels and demons are real and spirits because the Word of God gives us accurate information regarding their different positions and characters. Angels serve Creator God and hearken unto his Word spoken on earth to do his commandments. Demons serve the devil and Jesus told believers to cast them out in His name because " the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came to " give life and life abundantly" Jesus Christ Bible John 10:10.. Matthew 10:1 and Mark 16 are some of the bible verses showing where believers are given authority over all the power of the enemy., and to cast out demons in Jesus name believing....the Word of God is true and I believe it because Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I know he is Truth.....I also have cast out demons and seen them and also angels. I also would corroborate by sight that the Word speaks about ranks and different positions of the enemy. But not to worry. greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world...for more info on spiritual warfare I would refer believers to books by Derek Prince,also , for very mature believers I recommend the UNABRIDGED edition of " war on the Saints " by Jesse Penn Lewis with Evan Roberts the Welsh Revivalist...I would only recommend getting it from Thomas Lowe publishers New York because it was Hannah Lowe this missionary's husband that strenuously labored for years to get the original unabridged volume published.....I have heard even the unabridged version from other companies has been altered from the original writing....I am very glad that all these professionals confirmed the effects. don't be afraid but you do need to know what you are dealing with, Derek Prince, Smith Wigglesworth, Kenneth Hagin and others are excellent resources. Know that as true spiritual revival increases the past has shown that demon manifestations also increase. Do not fear. know that when you receive Jesus the Christ as your lord and Savior you rest in His Grace and it is He who works through you as you cooperate with The Holy Spirit. Good current ministries that can help and are available on Internet or TV or prayer helplines are Joseph Prince ministries, Andrew Womack. Ministries, awmi net.?..Creflo Dollar and Bill Winston ministries also..all are excellent.....hope this helps all involved including police! nurses! dress social workers etc? God bless you all.

  • Andrew Challand - 10 years ago

    LOL - 93 people aren't going to sleep with the lights off tonight!

  • Shelly - 10 years ago

    God tells you there are Demons in the Bible. How can you possibly read & believe in the Bible & not believe there are Demons among us???

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