What did you think of the Presiden't SOTU address?

1 Comment

  • James Bolden - 11 years ago

    I think to have a president of his caliber, who is so humble , and was placed in a position by God, people need to be careful as to how we fight against what he's doing for the country. The republicians fight him on every hand, they're so critical and harsh toward his ideas. Every body think that they can do much better until they're in such a position, why not work for the betterment of the people alone beside the president instead of fighting him on every good proposal he has. The country would be a better place and the president's ideas would be accepted and approved by congress if his skin was a different color. I hate to bust your bubble but if we can not get alone and stop being envious, jealous of our president and support him we will suffer the consequences. Let us not be like the children of Israel that complained and grumbled at every thing God told Moses to tell and do for them, and they were punished by God for not heeding what God had instructed them to do. We are better that that so let us do better and support our president, so that our nation will be blessed, and we shall prosper.

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