What do you think of Trudeau's move to cut senators loose?


  • Tim from Alberta - 11 years ago

    Meaningless gesture designed to impress the people.His senators are basically powerless in the senate,now.Therefore,of little use to the liberal party and their leader.He considers them excess baggage(the same as his dad's opinion of mos tMP's...once their votes enabled him to put through legislation devised and approved by him and his inner circle of MP's, friends and advisors).Do not forget,he ignored (and jumped over)the written constitution of the/his liberal party in order to do this.Obviously he is not fettered by this constitution.will he be fettered by "our" constitution????/

  • ChikyuNoArukikata - 11 years ago

    Justin is just riding the wave of popular knee jerk reaction on the Senate Scandal. He's trying to win cheap political points with his base and trying to win over some that are disgusted with the Senate hype. This guy knows nothing about being a real leader. He's like a High School President Candidate trying to win popularity. Not worth the effort for most except the base that will fawn over him.

  • stevehvh - 11 years ago

    An excellent initiative. And a winning one, based on the feedback received so far on this poll.

    Good for Justin Trudeau, he's changed the game in the Senate scandal debate, and brought some real substance to it.

    It improves the country's governance, and leave Harper looking myopic and conventional.

  • Raymond Isabelle - 11 years ago

    Good It's a point forward a real democracy's At lease we have a Leader witch bring is words to action
    please I think you That will minimize all critics and forcing concervator to acte and more over If not
    w'll know whoms is the problem meaning a real partisantship

  • jim - 11 years ago

    Having a non-partisan Senate is a great idea! The Senate should be brought back to its original state, evaluating bills passed through the House. A more neutral Senate will create an increased equality in our government.

  • Obama Harper - 11 years ago

    this is a great move by justin. He is clearly thinking of Canada and not just a political party. Harper talked of reform then said he couldn't reform yourself senate, that would never work .
    77% voted yes to this small change if Harper was serious he could have done the same but didn't. Mulxair the same .
    Justine Trudeau will make the perfect PM of Canada in 2015

  • uchu - 11 years ago

    Yes! Time to remove the old machinery and bring the new ideas forward. Very nice move by Trudeau.
    He'll likely have my vote, unless something dramatically changes in the next few months.

  • Scientist - 11 years ago

    No where does it state in the responses anything about abolishing the senate. I agree that removing the Senate is a bad idea, but let it be clear that those that voted for option one - that it was a bold move and a good idea - does it say anything about being in favour of removing the senate....

    In my opinion, the senate needs changes to re-align it with it's original purpose - a true place to rationally evaluate policy as the house passes it. The importance of the senate could not be more necessary in times of majority governments, who seem keen to railroad omnibus bills through the house.

  • william Sarginson - 11 years ago

    This move means nothing and the people that are voting its a bold move will vote against the senate because they do not understand the process.
    There are a few senators that have corrupted the system but remove them, possibly a restructure of the senate .

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