Do you believe a football coop is the right move for Palmer and Monson football?

1 Comment

  • Rocqueline Blazejowski - 11 years ago

    I firmly believe that this co-op should happen this should not even be an issue. Why is Pathfinder so against this happening ? This is about a few kids that want to play football at Palmer High and continue to attend school in Monson. First of all a few more kids DO NOT MAKE A POWERHOUSE as seems to be the reason. If that should/could ever happen that team would be moved to another division! This past football season Palme (with an enrollment of just over 450) had barely enough kids to field a team and it is only because they had to use 7th and 8th graders to do so. Those kids should not be playing Varsity Football at their age. All other schools co-op for football so why is it so difficult for Palmer to do so? Also, as far as school choice goes not all kids want a technical education, and often need courses to get into college that are not offered at a technical school. The people who vote on this should think about what they're doing and get over themselves IT IS NOT about winning or losing IT'S ABOUT A FEW KIDS SO LET'S BE FAIR!!!!

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