My favorite 'American Horror Story' season is ...


  • autumn - 8 years ago

    Murder House was definitely the best to me. I agree with the first person, it was much more suspenseful than the other seasons. Especially in the beginning: you wonder about the monster in the basement, about Tate, about the guy in the rubber suit, about Constance and why she's always at the house, why Addie says, "you're gonna die in there," etc. And in the end, all mysteries are solved. And even when I do know how everything turns out, I can't stop re-watching Murder House. The special effects and characters are all so interesting and creepy they still keep me entertained. (especially Tate because he's awesome)

  • Elizabeth - 9 years ago

    Definitely the best show I've ever seen, although I disagree with the commentator above about Murder House being the best season. I think the true best season would have to be asylum, BECAUSE of all thoughs different story plots scattered all over. You definitely don't get bored when you have serial killers, psychopaths, mad-scientists, possessed nuns, and aliens on the loose.

  • alyson - 9 years ago

    Murder was definitely the best season for a whole of two reasons; one being that it was much more suspenseful and mysterious than the seasons that follow, and the second being the psychological infatuation brought on by the murderous sociopath teenager;Tate Langdon. (Evan Peters.) While I did find Asylum somewhat satisfying, with the dark secrets of the hospital, the demonic posessions, mad-scientist experiments, and insane serial killer, it failed to prolong such a mystery throughout the show. All of its secrets in the plot are revealed before you even really know it IS a mystery, much unlike Murder House. The feeling of Ahhhhh, you get after all those scattered puzzle pieces come together is one that cannot be compared and should not be in lack. And the aliens? Where did that come from? It is the one remaining mystery to the second season, yet it is one that is never solved. It just doesn't make sense, and is totally absurd. Putting that aside, it is still worth watching, so give a try so you know what I'm talking about.
    Now, I've told what I love about both the first and second season of my all-time-favourite show, but I've yet to cover the pros and cons the third one brings. To start off, I found this season, titled Coven, severely lacking in, well...everything. Everything but gore is. It repeatedly talks about becoming a Supreme, which is some sort of all powerful which leader of the coven, and focuses way too much on minor plot themes that are irrelevant to the story, making me wonder what the story is truly meant to be. There's the voodoo magic of an opposing tribe set on destroying all the witches, there's the maid, once the lady of the house nearby, who was cursed to spend all of eternity under ground as punishment for her unspeakable deeds. There is rivalry, between a mother and daughter, girls who both want the same boy, girls who wish to be a supreme, and witches who are jealous of other witches. It is so stupid I've come to the conclusion that the show only created half the scenes to fill up time. Not like murder house,which I truly felt told a story in every individuel episode. Oh, and then there's the fact that Jessica Lage took up all the spotlight, focusing on her moral delemas-making me want to SCREAM! I may have liked her before, or, more so, tolerated her before, but now I fastforward the scenes that revolve around her. Oh, and then there's the fact that all the "gore" I had mentioned earlier in my comment was from that lady of the house nearby who committed horrible fdeeds. It showed her torturing slaves- cutting them open, taking body parts, sewing their face together-slowly, making them live through it while other victims watch. That is the only horror in all 13 episodes, along with some zombies who play apart in one single episode. Honestly, the only good thing I can say about this season is that whatever work that was put into making Cordelia (a which who was blinded by first acid then a knife,)'s eyes was well worth it because they look amazing! (In a gory, freaky horror kind of way, that is.) And, you can't forget Evan Peter's 5 star performance, as usual. His acting is what got me hooked on the first season, and what continues to keep me enthralled, along with the mystery aspects.

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