Did the Lunenburg Mom write the racist graffiti on her own home so that her kid could transfer to Leominster?


  • lhs football - 10 years ago

    She's a dumb cunt

  • LHS Alumn - 10 years ago

    To the first comment, what did happen to innocent until proven guilty? I think the entire football team was plastered as a bullying racist team before anything was proven. All further evidence was directed towards the family, so you should probably get your facts straight as well. And as far as ruining lives goes think of the memories robbed from young kids because of one pigheaded mother. So you can forever revel in your 6%.

  • Unbelievable - 10 years ago

    Don't you have better things to do than make life harder for these people! You don't know what happened! They weren't charged with anything!!!
    If the police couldn't figure it out, what makes all of the people in this town think that they can! I hope, one day, that all you people who voted yes find out how quickly people pass judgement when they don't know the facts!
    What happened to "Innocent until proven guilty"?

  • SEEKING JUSTICE - 11 years ago

    Completely stunned at the 6% in the poll that are being played for fools. Wise up people, this is a heartless family with a racist for a mother, an ignorant bully for a father, and poor little Isaac has already been recognized in Leominster for his bullying ways, Like father, like son. How can anyone be so blind and naive as to actually support this garbage!! Mind blowing!!

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