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Were You Offended By This Ad?

1 Comment

  • Benjamin Simmons - 11 years ago

    A lot of people have been giving Coca Cola flak about this Ad. I've heard both sides of the argument on the radio, TV, work, etc. And the vast majority approve of this commercial. Chocking all arguments to the contrary up to "ignorance" and "racism". I disagree with the vast majority but not for those reasons. Its not about ignorance or racism. People are feeling threatened because our cultural identity and american heritage is slowly being eroded away in the name of political correctness and tolerance. By heritage America is a Christian nation. By heritage the American language is English. The Constitution was founded on Christian principles and doctrine. Those are simple facts that people seem to forget. or worse yet, misconstrue. The moment anyone says anything about America being a Christian nation they mistakenly believe that that it is in reference to some sort of state religion or mandatory belief you must hold to be considered an american. This is simply not true. When I say that America is a Christian nation it is in reference to the foundation and roots that our constitution and traditions are based on. Nothing more. These days if you even utter anything regarding the Christian faith you are immediately deemed "intolerant", "Close minded" and "hateful". People misunderstand the concept of America as being a melting pot to mean that because we allow so many diverse cultures and people to live together in peace, that its wrong to dictate what is american culture and heritage is and isn't. Understanding that America is a melting pot of cultures and religions, everyone has the right to practice and believe what they wish. but there's a difference between being tolerant and considerate of someones traditions, language, culture, etc. and allowing them to practice and live freely without discrimination vs. sacrificing our own convictions to the degree of almost self discrimination for fear of offending someone in the name of "Political Correctness". In short, you shouldn't have to sacrifice conviction to show compassion.

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