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Who do you plan on voting for in the Republican Primary for State Treasurer?

Total Votes: 1,310

  • nathan - 11 years ago

    please keep it clean boys this is not to be attacking each other

  • Doug - 11 years ago

    Cross could not get another pension if he won. However, Bob Grogan would collect both a state and county pension.

  • Tony - 11 years ago

    Does Grogan not get a pension from DuPage county for being auditor? I feel like most county officials

  • Diane - 11 years ago

    I lot of people want to see Cross collect another pension! Nice, I'm sure he appreciates it.

  • Reggie - 11 years ago

    Guys, try to keep it civil. I know there are some Bob Grogan supporters out there who are angry that he is not a viable candidate for office but it is no reason to resort to name calling and attacks. We are Republicans and should be better than this.

  • Lisa Madigan - 11 years ago

    Poor Tommy was all set to run for AG but was too chicken can't beat my papa and can't beat me. How are all those non endorsements going from the real grassroots and not some bs poll Kevin & Jake thought up.

  • Thomas Holz - 11 years ago

    Grogan will earn your vote because he is a servant leader.
    Cross will expect your vote because he savors leadership.
    I'll walk for Grogan!

  • Ripon - 11 years ago

    I'll wager 300 of Former Super-Minority Leader Cross' votes are from Oswego Willie and all the other computer's in his mother's basement.

  • Ripon is Right - 11 years ago

    Ripon -

    Great point. How else would Grogan get that many votes? We need someone to check how many IP addresses are from the DuPage Auditor's Office.

  • Ripon - 11 years ago

    Look at all the Government workers sitting around on their computers doing political stuff!

  • KatManDue - 11 years ago

    Check out Grogan's work product. Good luck pal.

  • Dan W. - 11 years ago

    I can't believe Bob Grogan is running for anything. He can barely spell at a seventh grade level.

  • Phil Harrison - 11 years ago

    Yikes, might be time Bob calls it quits.

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