Is AAP government on a witch-hunt against Sheila Dikshit?


  • piyush - 11 years ago

    aap government is doing the right thing aggist corruption.

  • Ansumoy - 11 years ago

    Arvind Kejriwal is on the right track as long as he and his associates remain incorruptible . His reactions are exactly the outburst of the actual aam Indian who is vexed into submission but would love to react in the same way without hesitation . But it is common knowledge that such scams are prevailant in 'Desh ki kone kone mein' and every self respectable Indian is eager to replicate his experiment to rid such corruption which has percolated into almost every sphere of one's routine day to day life! Let's not be cynical from the beginning as with a 'saaf niyat' success is guaranteed .

  • krishna - 11 years ago

    If they frame they are targetting her if they don't they are being soft on congress what they should do . Infact they are only following the core idea that gave them power to do what they're doing. By all means lets pray the investigation to reach a logical conclusion. I personaly wish they form govt in UP next time and open and reopen all corruption cases against mulayam sing and mayawati and in the light of impartial investigation their vote banks see that what they have done for them is negligible to what they have done for themselves.

  • abhinav - 11 years ago

    it's all show off this AAP government.

  • bhartendu - 11 years ago

    They are only doing what they have promised in their election manifesto. It would have been disappointing if they have not fulfilled their promise to probe the CWG loot

  • Xaxanca - 11 years ago

    This move is only to irritate congress and get own Government fall. Then go to general elections with Sympathy wave & Votes. It is pertinent to remember here that AAP had earlier said that Congress will repent for their outside support. This has come true.

  • krishan - 11 years ago

    I hope this will be a true and honest move to punish the corrupt leaders NOT an political circus de-tour to a
    showmanship to get a 'clean chit' for another leader. Hope this drama will not be an never ending saga.

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