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Was the American Idol Hollywood or Home Twist Too Cruel? [POLL]

Total Votes: 216

  • dabney - 10 years ago

    THINK ABOUT IT!!! The bus scene was definitely rotten! Yes, I agree that everyone in the entertainment industry will face many heartbreaks with more "NO's" than "yes" - - and I think we all know that....but to take away someone's pride & self esteem showing them you don't care at all - not even giving them the opportunity to be told to their face that they didn't make it - - but rather shipping them off on a bus as if they were sorted cattle that you just sift through plucking out the ones you've thrown away and not care at all how one might feel sitting on a bus to face their fate in this way. Shame on you! I think that's why American Idol has gone downhill. You should be more creative in a POSITIVE way. These kids come out to audition - some spending every last penny they have to have this opportunity that means more than anything to them - - and the way you all repay them is to stuff them on a bus without telling them to their face where they were going! That's just not right at all. That's what's wrong with show business. You all have the opportunity to make something really good happen for these kids - - at least act like you're on their side. If they're not "good enough" or "not exactly what you're looking for" - - then just tell them! I think they would handle that much better than the heartless and senseless thing you just did to all of them. Hopefully, they will learn from it and go to another reality show to audition. They might just have better luck there!

  • r ford - 10 years ago

    It was really cruel and too, too tacky. They could at least have given them a couple of free nights in a hotel. I am surprised that these, otherwise fair ,judges would lend themselves to such a cheap stunt.

  • Carolyn - 10 years ago

    I don't even know if i want to continue watching Idol after that.

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