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Do you think Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal should quit if jan lokpal bill is not passed?

Total Votes: 1,913

  • goyal v k - 11 years ago

    It a bold step to fight corruption and corrupt pratices followed.

  • Louis Fathima Xavier - 11 years ago

    Congress and BJP are the two sides of the same coin.. Both represent the corporates and the rich...they will not allow this bill to be passed, because they will be exposed...

  • ram leela - 11 years ago

    congress is known for their corrupt practices and deceptive policies .we need people Kejriwal to come forward and replace these dynasty politics and inherited leadership without qualifications

  • Farid Khan - 11 years ago

    Whatever reason may be, we must appreciate that at least common people, the pilar of Democracy will be benefited. This is called Democracy - for the people, by the people, of the people.
    Kejriwal is bold enough to take action and hard decisions. REAL HERO OF DEMOCRACY - A TRUE INDIAN.

    No comment for Critics, Public Blood Suckers.

  • shanti lal - 11 years ago

    he should quit other wise also becuase he is better at protesting against govt. he simply want to capitalize by blackmailing which will surely backfire some day or another. he can do good to people by sitting at india gate, jantar mantar etc etc.

  • vaibhav - 11 years ago

    yes, he will...... because he will get the direct profit in LOK SABHA elections after resignation...... he is willing to sit on the chair of PM of India.

  • B S GANESH - 11 years ago

    10-2-14 Arvind should not quit. India badly requires his presence to reform politics, which is more for politicians than honest citizens. People must heartily support him to make laws to prevent corruption and punish corrupt politicians. Indian politics is more for the welfare and prosperity of politicians than common people. this is my oopinion as I am also a senior citizen who fought for independence.

  • pratheep thangaraj - 11 years ago

    its purely drama

  • vivek - 11 years ago

    law to take permission from home ministry itself against constitution and as a CM arvind can put moral pressure on both Congress and BJP To pass this bill

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