I'm so sick of Drake and his "lightskint" ways. (I saw that "Lightskint ways" phrase on twitter about Apollo from RHOA but I can't remember who said it, but this is me trying to give credit where it's due)
Drake is a HO!!! I liked him better when he acted humble and was focus on furthering himself. I guess the fact that he's been called out to be a simp ass nigga that he want to get tough. I like his music but it is all starting to sound the same. Anywhoo...thanks for another great week of episodes. It really help me get through my fuck ass job. I have even been listening to your guest appearances on other shows. You guys are a dynamic duo and I'm rooting for you!!!
I'm so sick of Drake and his "lightskint" ways. (I saw that "Lightskint ways" phrase on twitter about Apollo from RHOA but I can't remember who said it, but this is me trying to give credit where it's due)
Drake is a HO!!! I liked him better when he acted humble and was focus on furthering himself. I guess the fact that he's been called out to be a simp ass nigga that he want to get tough. I like his music but it is all starting to sound the same. Anywhoo...thanks for another great week of episodes. It really help me get through my fuck ass job. I have even been listening to your guest appearances on other shows. You guys are a dynamic duo and I'm rooting for you!!!