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  • Withheld - 10 years ago

    As was stated by the previous comment, a no brainer. Christa Reed. Has anyone ever been able to keep up with the number of shots Vivian takes each game. It's easy for me to understand why she was not picked on the McDonalds team. Others on that team would want to be able to shoot some. MSU coach will have has work cut out for him next year trying to teach her how to play with other teammates.

  • Anonymous - 10 years ago

    This is a no brainer. Christa Reed all the way! Having a perfect average from the three point line is almost impossible when you take as many shots behind the line like this incredible young lady did. She keeps herself relevant by performing with so much zeal and tenacity. It's evident that both players are outstanding. However, Christa putting up stats like 14 for 14; just priceless.

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