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Are you uncomfortable with women breastfeeding in public?


  • Walterine - 11 years ago

    I find it funny that it's ok for a woman to go out with a low cut top or her boobs hanging out of her shirt to the point where the only part you don't see is her nipples. But "wrong" to have them out and breastfeed. You don't see the nipple then either and usually childs head is blocking most of the breast. I hate how it's ok for them to hang out for sexual pleasure but not for their real purpose.

  • Theresa - 11 years ago

    My child comes before your screwed up point of view! Why are you looking at the lady's boobs anyway? Dont look and you won't have to see. Better yet if it bothers you go sit in a bathroom stall or put a cover over your head till she's done!

  • Winona - 11 years ago

    The act of breastfeeding is already discreet. What are you seeing when a mother is nursing her child? When I breastfeed my child usually my nipple is in my child's mouth and the majority of my breast is covered by my child's head. You would really have to stare and be extremely close to see anything at all. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, the easiest thing to do would be to not look. and there is no way my 18 month old would tolerate a blanket on her head for one second, she would just pull it off. it would be useless anyways!

  • AReit - 11 years ago

    There are several reasons (such as the one mentioned by the woman in the article) why an infant may not tolerate being covered while breastfeeding. If the mother and child get the job done more comfortably being uncovered, then that should be respected. Besides, I doubt that most uncovered mothers are desperately trying to show as many people their breasts as possible. Usually the goal of breastfeeding is to get the baby fed before they start screaming- not to be an exhibitionist.

  • Judy Colpitts - 11 years ago

    It is natural to breast feed your child, but it should be done discreetly with a shawl or light cover, other peoples feelings should also be considered, it isn't all one sided

  • Linda schieman - 11 years ago

    While it is a perfectly normal act to breast feed your child as I did all my children, it is unacceptable to disregard other people's feelings regarding it. You are the only one who has the emotional attachment to your child. There is no reason why you can't be somewhat discreet about it taking other people's feelings into account at the same time.

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