Which of the 2 Nominated Big Brother 10 HGs will be the first to go?


  • Drew - 16 years ago

    I think the smartest move would to evict Brian, and yeah, Renny is loud at times (but she has calmed down, other than her calling out Jessie.) I hope Renny stays, but I like Brian. So sorry, Brian! Hey, if you get evicted, you can go to your sister's wedding.

  • Laurie - 16 years ago

    Did I miss something? I could have sworn it was Jesse and Renny that were nominated and Brian was the "mastermind" that encouraged Jerry to put those two on the block.

  • patt - 16 years ago

    Amy, I can totally agree with what your saying But to me personally, id like to get rid of the people whew annoy me first bcc they can actually be a bigger target bcc like the other nite when renny was being load and jessie had a problem with it, he got put up on the chopping block because of it, so the way I see it is that you want to think about the people that could most endanger ur chances of winning first. :P

  • amy - 16 years ago

    if they were smart they would vote off the biggest threat which would be brian, he can be stronger in competions and keep renny as a pawn but the house i believe will vote out her out just cause she is so annoying and can't really blame them there either! lol

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