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Have you had to stop driving because of your Fibromyalgia?

Total Votes: 1,010

  • Diane - 7 years ago

    I have a very hard time driving more than an hour. I get so stiff and sore I have to stop and stretch, walk around, shake my hands because they go numb. Also my vision gets blurry and I can NOT drive at night at all. If there is a lot of traffic I have panic attacks! It is hard to focus on all the movements of so many cars. I also get lost a lot, even though I live in a very small town. I get so confused.

  • VantaZiaStar Musolf - 8 years ago

    My vision changed as I was being treated for my fibromyalgia, as strange as it sounds one of my eyes felt as if it was swallowing. Like a spasm from within my pupil. I can't be to sure if my symptoms of blurry vision and this swallowing feeling was from trying new medications and my body to get used to them. Or My illness. Now years later the swallowing has stopped but my vision picks and chooses when to become extremely blurry. I'd have to have multiple pairs of different prescription glasses. I may have to look into that. My meds have been Ventaflaxine 150mg, Nortriptiline 50mg, Gabapentin 900mg(3X a day), a few different muscle relaxers, and pain meds. Best wishes for all of Us & our families out here. VantaZiaStar M.

  • Carine - 8 years ago

    I can still drive but never longer than an hour then i have to stop because the pain and stiffness in my joints, back , neck....i usually walk around a little bit then..

  • Sarah Schaefer - 10 years ago

    I am still able to drive. However long distant trips are not like they use to be. Whenever traveling long distance trips I was able to go for a full day (8-10 hours), with stops of course. Now a full day's drive is broken in half. I have to stop at a hotel after 5 hours to rest. I just don't have the endurance like I use to have.

  • Connie Hites - 10 years ago

    I quit driving 5 years ago and sold my mini van. It broke my heart to give up my independence at age 62. The pain in my shoulders, arms and legs was too severe for me to trust being able to turn to look both ways and to put enough pressure on the brake if needed. I live alone so I have become a recluse and a friend does most of my grocery shopping, banking and other errands that I once did myself. My son works 6 days a week but helps when he can. It's difficult as he has a large family to care for too. I miss my independence daily. :(

  • Gary - 10 years ago

    I have my car because of my fibromyalgia,but I changed from a small car to a larger car because of my illness as,I could get in it I drive a manual car but,with me changing my car to the bigger on,I don't know if ESH Will grant me to change again for an higher automatic car,as it would be a lot easer for me to get in & out of as my lower part of my body is getting so worse,there's days I can't press the clutch for the pain & weakness in my left leg from hip to toe!

  • Nelly - 10 years ago

    I was having difficulty driving my manual car due to suffering pain in my shoulders, elbows, legs, hips and back. Due to the high level of medication I was on, I was advised that I could be pulled over for failing the drugs test! I also found on DVLA website that they must be informed of certain conditions.,...if I was unfortunate to be involved on a car accident I could be liable, as car insurance may not cover me. So I am now chauffeured everywhere by my daughter. I miss my independence though =(

  • Sally May - 10 years ago

    I was driving a manual car but had stopped using it because of my fybromyalgia being mostly in my legs and hips.However I have now got a Skoda automatic which is so much easier to drive. My freedom on good days has been restored.

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