Do You Think Schools Should Have To Make Up Snow Days?


  • B. Smith - 11 years ago

    Children need to be in school their education is very critical. They are the future of this country and having them not finish there school year is a crying shame. In the real world adults must go to work if it is cold or hot outside. So how is shorting their school year due to snow a good example for a life lesson? They need to be in school not out running around this is why America is falling behind in the world. We as a society need to focus on the younger generations education. Sorry if they miss spring, summer vacation but that is life and life is not fair. Cold hard fact.

  • Peat Marwick - 11 years ago

    How about we start Saturday school for a few weeks to make up the missed time...hmmm...hmmmmmmmm?

  • parent of 4 - 11 years ago

    Yes, my childrens' education is more important than my conveinence. However, my children are more important than a few throw away days at the end of the school year. The last week of school is filled with half days and field days. These days being cancelled would not stunt the growth or development. I understand that the law is what it is, but anything can be waived due to extreme circumstances. Also, is the way you went to school now the template for how all students should be educated? No sir...

  • Joe - 11 years ago

    I never went to an air conditioned school in my life and I did not die. I don't have it in my home and I am still alive. Believe it or not everyone lived without it up until the last couple generations and they NEVER closed school because it was "too hot". Those same kids go home and suddenly it is not too hot.

    Education is important and, by law, the kids need to spend X number of days a year in school. Change the law, but do not ignore it. They can go to school longer to make up the days and, if it is hot, they will not die. Your kids' education is a lot more important than your convenience. Nobody knows how many snow days there will be but we do know how many days a year the kids have to spend in school. They missed testing on Monday & Tuesday & that needs to be made up and then the material that was to be covered on Wed and Thur. when they will make up the tests. The most important thing we can do for kids is give them a good education and every day in school counts.

  • Its just me - 11 years ago

    Ok seriously, what is a day or two over the snow days allowed? When it hits June and its almost time for the kids to get out how much do the teachers really teach them and how much information is going to be learned?? Also have they considered the fact that there is no air conditioning in most schools so when those hazy hot and humid days the schools will be closed for that. So its seems outrageous to extend those days due to a couple of snow days. I know my kids will not go past the calendar day they have now.

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