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Your Choice for Democratic candidate in NY's CD-4

1 Comment

  • anonoymous - 10 years ago

    To All Voters in the 4th CD

    Before considering a vote for rising star Rice scratch the surface. Has the prosecutor been viligant
    prosecuting common social crimes like domestic assault, elder abuse and burglary? Is there evidence of "cherrypicking" cases? The cases declined for prosecution is just as important as those moving forward.
    We are deeply disturbed by the District Attorney committing resources to prosecute animal rights - PUPPIES over people??? But hey everyone loves puppies and a DA who does such must be a caring hard-working individual, right? Grandma always said a person's character is expressed by actions and choices. DA Rice is not my choice for Congress or District Attorney - Ambition seems to have clouded her judgement and she seems to be be better suited for private law practice.


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