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What do you think might be among the causes of autism or ASD?

Total Votes: 2,841

  • jeanette - 10 years ago

    I believe it is a combination of genetics along with environment or vaccines. Utah has the highest rate of autism and it is one of the very worst of air quality. I believe genetics makes a child more suscepticle (sp) and environment causes the outcome.

  • Elizabeth - 10 years ago

    I read the article on the cancer website. They may have got it wrong, I think it has a lot to do with the lack of production of serotonin. When I started taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors for OCD and anxiety attacks, I got better when my system had more serotonin. I didn't have symptoms of anxiety until I hit puberty, but I had developmental problems, I was slow. My son was diagnosed ASD, I did get exposed to insectides to kill spiders during gestation, and I also had pitocin to speed up birth. Every time I would contract, the baby's heart rate would drop very low. My son has always been slow, like I was. It very well could be genetic, and we're predisposed to it.

  • Jennifer - 10 years ago

    The two theories I believe are most likely to contribute to autism is age of father and use of pitocin during labor/delivery. Both theories have had extensive studies and have shown that there may be a connection. My daughter's father was 40 when she was conceived and my husband (father of my son) was 29 when he was born. I was on pitocin with my daughter for 25 hours due to failure to dilate despite having contractions a minute apart. They ended up taking my son C-Section because the pitocin kept dropping his heart rate. Guess which one has autism?

  • kyle - 10 years ago

    Dan, I am a mother of a son with severe autism and I feel that people are interested in hearing or seeing what people may think could be the cause. I personally think that your comment sixto is very interesting because my delivery with my son was so different than my delivery with my daughter. There are so many things I think about daily that could've happened, I just hope for a bright future in this research.

  • amanda - 10 years ago

    my little boy was showing no signs until he had a febrille convulsion at the age of 1 i dont think vaccinations are a cause as i have another child who had all the same vaccinations and she is fine but i think it could also be genetic as my cousin has autism as well

  • Jennifer - 10 years ago

    I know it's important to understand they how and why,but really we need to focus on the now and tomorrow of this condition. We need to educate others on understanding every day is different and each person, child or adult. Make sure there is life long support for our loved ones with autism.

  • Sixto - 10 years ago

    I believe that temporary lack of oxygen during pregnancy or labor may be linked to autism. It is something that I do not see many people discussing because people do not talk to much about labor; instead, they concentrate on the child.

  • Paul Sharman - 10 years ago

    Please check out
    Article:- What Causes Autism and Asperger's Syndrome.
    After my 20+ years of research this is the best article I have seen.
    Take your new information to your Pediatrician, Specialist, Doctor.
    They are never to old to Learn.
    Discuss it with them !!!

    Who ever thought I would find this information on an alternative Cancer Treatment sight !!
    Never ceases to amaze me where I find information on ASD.
    Kind Regards

  • Dan - 10 years ago

    Is there a point to this poll?

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