من المسؤول عن تفجيرات البحرين؟


  • mohamed - 10 years ago

    حتى في التصويت الخيارات طائفيه
    على العموم هذا التصويت ماله داعي
    والسبب ان كل العالم يعرف ان السلطه السبب
    والشعب اعزل لايملك سلاح واحد كيف سيمتلك متفجرات
    الاعمى فقط من يرى غير ذلك

  • Ali - 10 years ago

    تعليقي على الراديو في قضية البحرين والمحاوله السخيفه في زج المزاج الطائفي ، لمذا تسميها المعارضه الشيعيه ؟؟؟

    هي معارضه وكفى ،، ما من داعي لزج اسم الشيعه وتهيج الطائفيه

  • Babrainrights - 10 years ago

    & by the way,, Iran has nothing to do with those people, the government is the one who involved with other countries like SA & UAE.

    Now if they have this huge number of armies,weapons & money.
    Where are they from Palestine & Iraq ??!!
    Poor thinking to use an outside army on their own people!!

  • Bahrainrights - 10 years ago

    Lets Remember the whole story again:

    Its all started when a group of original Bahraini people ( including "sinas & shia's" ) of a large number to protest in the streets fighting for there rights, they didn't hold any weapons or dangers tools.

    But what the government did is to try stopping them by force, & that force killed hundreds of them in a horrible way not to mention the torture of thousands of them inside & out side jails !!

    Now did this government forgot that these people are still humans ?? Or did it forget that they are Bahrainis in there own country, to being a full units army from Saudi arabia & UAE just to fight & kill those people!!

    Now if burning tires at streets & the man made weapons annoying you,, do you think that gases & guns that killed hundreds of them is the best solution ??!

    The government give the those people an optional political solutions that are unfair between the two, so as normal they refused to have a deal !

    Now at the resent time, those people will never stop doing what are they doing, because they lost even there father, mother, suns or relatives.
    They have all the rights to be anger of their lost & no one can stop them!

  • Bahrainii - 10 years ago

    It's so pathetic to hear from some people that both Iran AND the USA are friends.. How can you people be so blind! Don't you hear the news? Can't you see how both of them are fighting eachother for the sake of whether it's Palastine or Israel?! How can they be allies when they are so burning from the inside out to strike one another??
    God damned whoever created this rumor and whoever created disorder in our beloved Bahrain
    God please help the helpless!!

  • witness - 10 years ago

    Yeah. Fires seen in streets, man-made bombs, patients being killed in SMC hospital and much more you can only find it in Bahrain led by Al Nefaq racial society chaired by ali salman and isa qassim, and managed by islam enemies like iran and the us.

  • Jalaud - 10 years ago

    All the violance & the terrorism took place in The Kingdom Of Bahrain was created by alwefaq terrorist society lead by the gay fellow so called ALI SALMAN & their religious idiot ISSA QASIM, who described himself as ANIMAL in earier speech. They both deserve to withdraw their passports & be sent to their beloved country Iran or Iraq. The whole killings, usage of Molotov bombs, & all the terrorist situation was caused by them. DOWN DOWN WEFAQ.

  • Bahrainiya - 11 years ago

    The polls are not counting my votes!

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