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Has Mahopac gotten a bad rap in the uproar surrounding racist comments and tweets and unruly behavior after a Feb. 27 basketball game with Mount Vernon?

Total Votes: 471

  • Romeo Thunderpants - 11 years ago

    We are becoming a society of victims.

  • D Varca - 11 years ago

    I am so disgusted how the media is portraying our community. The news stories have been one sided and Mahopac's voice has not been heard. My son was at the game and witnessed the inappropriate behavior by the Mt.Vernon parents first hand. As my son and his friend left the stadium and were walking back to the bus, parents of the opposing team were verbally taunting them. A few tweets does not define an entire community, I feel that the superintendent and principal of Mt Vernon should have reached out to our school before going to the media. It could have been resolved this way. I feel that they are using the media to get publicity for their school and trying to destroy our school's reputation.

  • John Roberts - 11 years ago

    I have played sports my entire life and this is nothing new, whether its football, basketball or hockey there is all kinds of junk talked on the field, court or ice. It never seems to be a problem when whites do it to whites (Eastchester vs. Tuckahoe) or blacks vs. blacks (M.V. vs. New Rochelle) but when a white team vs. a black team the parents get crazy with the trash talking. I hate to tell you, but to the kids much of this is meaningless, these words they here don't faze them, it is trash talking and they do it all the time. Just listen to some music one day and every word that is supposed to be off limits is in many songs - it is hogwash. It is selected enforcement and adults using this issue for their own person or political gains. The "N" word is equal to the "C" word or the "b" word they are all hurtful words when adults use them with each other, unfortunately, todays gets are immune to these words because of the rap music that white and black kids all love so much.

  • Erwin - 11 years ago

    Give me voter demographics

  • Susie Q - 11 years ago

    Every game and meet I've attended at Mt Vernon is a volatile situation. Visiting female athletes must endure sexual taunts from the stands. Vehicles from visiting patrons' parents are vandalised. The Mahopac kids' behavior was sickening. But there's something going on at Mt Vernon where this is tolerated, if not encouraged. It's too bad because it won't serve these kids well in a world where the color of their skin will make their real life battles all the more difficult as it is. Mt Vernon needs new administration committed to SRO tolerance of this behavior. The Mahopac kids need some hard core mandatory diversity and sportsmanship training...required. The refs at these events should toughen up and give penalties for poor behavior from the stands.. The physical threats and sexually explicit harassive comments should not be tolerated. And no...its not kids just being kids. Its also adults neglecting their responsibilities and setting examples/standards for their youth....on both teams.

  • Jerry Morano - 11 years ago

    It works both ways. Negative comments have been part of every game. It only represents a small part of players and fans, so you cannot condemn an entire community. If this was reversed and comments came from Mt. Vernon fans, nothing would come of it!

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