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Was the Victoria ferry rally useful?

Total Votes: 104

  • Peter Ramsey - 11 years ago

    Many people still believe only the rich can afford to live on the Gulf Islands.
    Back in 1973, Tommy Douglas (NDP), then MP for Cowichan and the Islands suggested to a civics class at GISS that the sensible solution would be a bridge - try that idea out now with anyone who works at union wages for the ferries! Would anyone from the NDP dare to raise this idea now?
    The cost of a bridge (possibly a link from Musgraves to the Maple Bay area) 40 years ago would be much less than today but in the long run it would be cheaper (and pollute less) than our current ferry system - with raising diesel fuel costs and a growing payroll to meet.

  • Fred Jewell - 11 years ago

    My wife and I love visiting the Gulf Islands and cannot understand the BC Government's approach to increasing ferry rates. Is the ferry system not an extension of our highways in Canada? How do they expect to attract tourists? We could not believe the rates when we went to Salt Spring last year and if rates continue to increase I'm afraid your small communities will suffer greatly.
    Fred and Pat Jewell
    Gravenhurst, Ontario

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