Teen Wolf - 3.22 - De-Void - Best Scene

1 Comment

  • Mickey - 11 years ago

    Huh, looks like I was the only one who liked the flies/gross ways so much. Guess it's because I miss Supernatural in all its gross glory. (Carver broke the spell for me and I tried with s9 but haven't been able to recapture it so I stopped watching again. Glad to see it doing so well though. Just saw on TVbtN that it even edged out TVD for the top CW spot! BTW, what happened to the comment threads there? Did they totally get out of control and were nixed? I stopped going there precisely because I was tired of how rude and acrimonious the comments were. No moderation.)

    Anyway, I just followed the link to your blog and you and I have remarkably similar tastes in TV shows. Even the ones I'm not watching is because of lack of time rather than lack of interest. I can't believe it looks like Fox will cancel Almost Human when it has good ratings. And I did love that Awww moment when Dorian gave Kennex the leg (wrapped in the shape of a leg, ha!)

    I'm getting off topic, but nice to see you again!

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